Chapter 15: Bowling Alley Accusations

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"Just remember that sometimes, the way you think about a person isn't the way they actually are." ~ John Green

* * *(Picture above is Hunter)* * *

"Look, once you get older you can do that," I try explaining to Evangeline as I braid her hair as we watch cartoons in her bedroom.

"Why not?" she asked genuinely confused as she turns around to look at me.

"Stop moving or I'll have to start over again," I say turning her head back around, "You can't do that now because your dad will kill me."

"And why would I kill you?" Kye asked with an eyebrow quirked up and a smirk playing across his face.

"She wants to let me dye her hair," I told him finishing off Evangeline's braid by putting a ponytail on the end.

"I wanna make my hair PURPLE!" she shouts jumping up and pointing at the TV screen that showed a character with purple hair.

"I don't think so," Kye said coming into the room and sitting down on Evangeline's bed next to me.

"Why not? Astrid's hair is PINK! Her hair is RED!" Now she was pointing at me and was a bit angry.

"That's because she's older than you," he starts to explain while trying to hold in his laughter, "Maybe once you get older I'll let her dye your hair purple."

"Really?" she asked with a hopeful look in her eyes.

"Possibly. We've got a few years though," he says pulling her onto his lap.

"Are you sure you can't come to the party?" I asked him. Evangeline got invited to a birthday party at a bowling alley for the oldest kid at the daycare. When she told us about this, Kye said he could only drop us off and pick us up because he had some work he had to take care of. I feel extremely nervous about the whole thing because I didn't how people would perceive me and Evangeline together.

"Yeah. I have to get some stuff done. I wish I could come with you both because it would be the first time people will see us three together. If you two need anything, I'm only a phone call away," he says resting his hand on my thigh.

"Can we go now? I want cake! And pizza!" Evangeline says getting impatient.

Kye laughs out loud before picking her up on his back. "Yeah we can go. Come on Imogen, everything will be fine."


"Bowling, bowling, bowling I'm gonna win," Evangeline sings swinging her feet as I attempt to put her bowling shoes on.

"Really now? You can't do that without your bowling shoes," I say teasing her by stopping her legs from swinging.

"Oh no! Hurry Mommy put them on! I need to win," she whisper shouts trying to pull of her other shoe.

"Whoa! Slow down," I chuckle slipping on the shoes.

"If I win can I get a prize?"

"I'll see if Kye will take us get ice cream." She then runs off to her assigned lane while I go and sit at a table close by to watch her. As the kids start to play, I feel as if people are looking at me. I turn around to see a group of six mothers giving me distasteful looks. It bothered me, so I turned back to watch Evangeline play. Doing that did nothing. I heard them start to whisper about me behind my back. I began to feel bad about myself and thought that it couldn't get any worse.

Until it did.

"Oh look! The slut's here." I turned around to see the three girls from the mall standing behind me with their hands on their hips.

"Where's Kye?" the brunette asked smacking her gum.

"He's working," I say keeping it short so that I don't have to speak to them.

"So you're here alone? How pathetic!" the redhead lets out with a laugh. The other two snicker along with her.

"Actually, I'm here with Evangeline," I say turning away from them.

"Wait a minute," the blonde one says coming up and standing in my face. "You have a kid?! Aren't you 15?"

"Oh my god! You are a slut," they accuse pointing fingers at me.

"HEY!" Evangeline shouts standing on top of a table. "You guys are meanie heads! My mom left me, but my mommy takes care of me and loves me!" I hear a chorus of "yeahs" from the other kids and see shocked expressions on the mothers' faces. The three girls faces remained expressionless.

"How much did you pay the kid to stick up for you?" the redhead asked making a face.

"Maybe she didn't dumbass," one of the mothers said standing up.

"You obviously didn't hear a word that kid said," another one said.

"I'm sure you wouldn't have the balls to take care of your boyfriend's kid."

"You probably wouldn't even take care of your own kids."

"Do you really have nothing better to do than harass someone?"

"How dare you speak to us that way?" the brunette asked in shock at the fact that a grown woman was talking back to her.

"Well, if you weren't a bitch, then we wouldn't," the last mom said. They had all come over to me and got in a protective circle around me.

"Whatever. Let's go girls! We don't have to be around scums. You're lucky people were here to protect you," the blonde one said pointing at me as she said that last part.

"Thank you for standing up for me," I said to the women.

"Oh no problem sweetie."

"Yeah we've all been there with us being younger mothers ourselves."

"You've got a lot of guts taking care of her like she's your own daughter at your young age," one of them says. They all nod, and I take a moment to look at Evangeline. She was jumping up and down in victory after beating all the kids. I then turn back to the women.

"But in a way, she is my own daughter."

Author's Note: So so so so sorry about the delay in updating. I was trying to update on time, but things happened. Hopefully everything will work out and that I can end up posting on time. I love you all! Really I do! XOXO!


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