Chapter 28: Kidnapping Take Two

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"You can't wake up, this is not a dream/ You're part of a machine, you are not a human being/ With your face all made up, living on a screen/ Low on self-esteem, so you run on gasoline," ~ Halsey, Gasoline, Badlands.

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That night turned out to provide more questions than answers, on my part at least since I helped answer Emery's questions.  It was awkward and a little bit uncomfortable for me with the whole Evangeline calling me "mom" thing in front of Emery because I mean that's her "biological" child making her Evangeline's mother not me.  I could see me hurt and quilt swimming in her eyes along with her tears when the she looked at me.  Her gaze was filled with sadness aimed at me because I was able to do that she was forced to give up her rights too.  It was only right that we explained to her what had been going on with her daughter.

"Evangeline, go upstairs for a little while with Grandma and Uncle Vladimir so that we can talk in private, "Kye told Evangeline as he handed her off to Rosalinda who understood what was happening.  Emery's gaze had been on Evangeline until she disappeared up the stairs before it shifted towards me.

"Why did she call you Momma?" she asked me as soon as we were sure they were out of ear shot so that they wouldn't hear bits and pieces.  I just stood there and looked at Kye and gave him a "help me" look because I didn't want her to get angry at me.  We were talking about such a sensitive subject, and after two year of not seeing Emery, I absolutely didn't want her to hate me for this.

"It's a bit complicated to explain," Kye started off not really knowing how to word what he was trying to say, "Evangeline has always wanted someone to call Mom in her live after what happened, but now we know the truth.  Imogen had run away form home, and we offered her a place here if she helped me raise Evangeline.  She was the one who took it upon herself to call Imogen Mom; we didn't tell her to."

"But you know how I feel about this yet you still let her call you Mom anyway," Emery said to me with tears starting to escape from her eyes one by one until there was a waterfall of tears cascading down her face.

"I didn't even realize she was the same kid until almost a week ago, and what would you have wanted me to tell her, that she can't call me that because I'll never be her mom?  That even if she didn't know her mom but sees me as one to never call me that?  I know how you feel, but what do you want me to do?" I ask her handing her a Kleenex to wipe away her tears with.

"I don't know I just - it's hard to see your kid call someone else mom even though you know you weren't there for them," she blubbers out blowing her nose.

"But you know that that isn't your fault though," Kye says enveloping her in a big hug that made me feel jealous.  What was there to be jealous about though since they have history and a kid together.  Well yeah we have some weird relationship, but what if he still cares about her and only felt obligated to be with me because of the circumstances?

"I know I know it just hurts me a lot," she say sniffling into his shoulder.

"How about I leave you two alone to catch up, and we can go out with Evangeline tomorrow?" I suggest to them as I made my way towards the stairs.

"Yeah that's a good idea since it's been two years since we last saw each other," Kye says with his arms still holding Emery.

But now that's it's morning, I feel like I regret my decision to have left them alone last night.  Vladimir said that he saw them leave and come back which made me want to cry.  I wanted to give them space since they left on bad terms, but I didn't expect them to leave.  He also said they came back giggling like how they used to.  That's probably what broke me; we had gone on a date and have a relationship of sorts yet. . . he went out with her after we got back.

Did he even care about me at all, or was it just for Evangeline's sake?

I think Evangeline could tell that I was in a sour mood because she didn't ask many questions about Emery.  The whole time I was helping her get ready, she was eerily silent except for the occasional question about what we were doing or where we were going.

"Is she my birth mom Momma?" she asked me before we went down the stairs to the living room where Emery was waiting.

"Yes baby she is," I answered in a whisper feeling my anxiety rising up as emotions rushed through me.  My hand started twitching, aching for a cigarette, but I don't know where they are because Kye hid them from me.

"Does he love her now more than you?" she asked looking at me with her eyes wide wanting to absorb the information.

"I don't know," I manage to choke out staring straight ahead willing myself not to cry at such a ridiculous thought I should know the answer to but don't.  Evangeline hugged my legs trying to comfort me, but I only felt worse because I might have to leave her now that Emery's back.

Together, after composing my emotions, we walked downstairs to get Emery and walk to the park.  The walk was silent with tensions so thick you could cut it with a knife.  Because Evangeline doesn't know Emery, she latched on to my hand on my other side so that she couldn't be near her.  I could feel Emery's gaze burning into me, but I tried my best to ignore it and keep my eyes forward.

"I'm going to go in the sandbox ok?" Evangeline says before running off. I envy her right now:  she gets to escape the awkwardness.

"So what did you and Kye talk about last night?" I asked her turning my body to face her.

"Oh nothing much really.  I mean he explained why you are with them right now and stuff, and he also said Hunter is here which is alarming to say the least," she explains nonchalantly with a wave of her hand.

"Yeah it turns out Vladimir knew him, but nobody knew until I finally realized why he was bothering me so much," I tell her with a shudder running through my body at the thought of him helping me all those months ago.

"Don't you think you should leave her then?" she asks raising an eyebrow up at me.

"What about you?" I retort back feeling attacked, "You're in as much danger as I am right now knowing that he's here."

"It's complicated," she said softly turning away form me, but I already know what she means.

"You still love him don't you?" I ask turning towards Evangeline to focus on her instead of crying.

"With all my heart," she says trailing off.  Emery never did get to finish her sentence because it was at that moment all three of us had sacks placed over out heads that had the smell of chloroform on them making me feel Deja Vu.

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