a/n: posting a few of the poems i've written these past couple months. i hope this makes sense, i've written this one from a feeling that i've experienced more recently.
tears arrive unbidden,
as i lie, suspended
between hollow breaths and trivial moments,
suddenly consumed, inundated,
in quiet cascades of ache.they rise like specters,
the silenced lament of something abandoned,
an exile of sorrow lodged too deeply
for conscious recall,
yet spilling over,
as if grief itself were an undertow,
inarticulate, insistent,
bearing the weight of unspoken depths.i watch, as if distant,
an unwilling witness to this sorrowful purge—
a vessel emptied of feeling
yet filled with ache, hollowed and echoing,
the way a heart bruised too many times
learns to ache without reason.perhaps it is the cumulative grief
of a soul suppressed,
the disowned, orphaned sorrow,
overcrowded, neglected,
that surges forth, relentless and raw,
a flood breaching walls
carefully built of denial.and so, here i lie,
as this estranged fragment of me,
this haunted, aching specter,
cries out alone—
for all the wounds i've buried
and all the tears i've chosen not to shed.

Poesíapoems i've written. i recommend reading from the bottom of the parts and working up to the first one. i promise they get better and more lengthy. the first few poems are rhyme schemes, the rest are free verse peoms. please don't take without credits...