'Weathers' in school

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"Taa Daa!" Yuni exclaimed as she pulled open the charcoal black curtains to reveal a sliding door that leads to a huge spacious balcony. Yuni slid the door open and walked outside with Lambo and I pin following behind.

"Woah!" Lambo ran to the railings and look down. He could see the many different little buildings below them.

"There are many buildings in our school and we color code them to recognize them easily." Yuni started.

"The red one is our Weapons room and it is specially built for our Ranger and Weapons Club owned by Colonello~ And we call it Storm." Yuni pointed to a blood red building.

"The bluish one on the right was just built last year. It was requested by one of our fourth grade pupil, Superbi Squalo. He had a strong passion for swords. So, we built this Dojo called Rain. As I said just now, Squalo had a passion for swords, so that Dojo is built for our Kendo Club!" Yuni smiled. Lambo and I pin nodded as Yuni continued.

"That yellow building over there is our Physical training room. Fon takes care of it. So naturally, that the training room is for our Martial Arts Club." Yuni laughed a little when I pin's eyes sparkled when she saw the bright yellow building sparkled when the sunlight shone on it.

"What weather is it called?" Lambo asked sarcastically.

"Ahahaha.... Little boy, sure we name our buildings by weathers, but do you know why?" Yuni laughed at Lambo's sarcasm.

"I'm not a little boy! My name's Lambo! And I don't bother to know why your buildings are named by ridiculous weather names." Lambo snorted and fold his arms across his chest childishly.

"Lambo!" I pin called as her forehead creased.

"It's okay, what's your name then? I can't believe I don't know the two of your names! Ahahaha..." Yuni giggled.

"My name is I pin. Please take good care of me." I pin bowed politely and Yuni smiled.

"Okay kids! Let's carry on! The field in front of Sun, the yellow building is for our Physical Education lessons. See, the others are having it from Colonello right now." Looking down, Lambo and I pin saw a group of about 20 people running around the field with Colonello-sensei in the middle.

"Alright! Let's move on! The next building on the right of Sun is Mist. It was built for the Illusions and Magics Club. Take a look if you want! But beware that you must prepare to see things you have never seen in your life before." Yuni warned. Even if Yuni didn't warn them, Lambo and I pin could sense a mysterious air surrounding the indigo building. The duo visibly gulped.

"And next to the Mist is Cloud. It's our Disciplinary Committee that takes charge of the school when we teachers are away. The person that leads this committee is Hibari Kyoya, a third grade student." Yuni said.

"Third grade? Will the fourth grade students listen to him?" I pin asked.

"Ahaha... Apparently not. There would always be some chaos happening whenever we return to school." Both newbies sweatdropped.

"Alright, we'll deal with that later. Let's carry on. You see the electric green building there? It's our laboratory. There is no current instructor there now, but our third grade student, Levi is there." Yuni continued.

"What's he doing there?" This time, it's Lambo who asked.

"He's doing experiments there. That boy is so devoted that he even sleeps in the lab. If you want to join the Physics Club, you don't have to worry about him. Stay sane and have fun in our labs! Oh! By the way, that building is called Lightning." Yuni smiled awkwardly when she mentioned Levi.

"Let's carry on, shall we?" Yuni quickly changed the subject as Lambo and I pin nodded.

"The largest of all lower buildings there is is Sky. It is a special building as it is specially built for students in the All Rounded Special Program. This program only takes in students we think have the potential in them waiting to be unleashed." The orange building stood out perfectly to the left of Storm.

"Can I join?" Lambo asked, eyes sparkling.

"No, Lambo-kun. We have to observe the two of you more to decide. Tsuna-kun last year only joined that program 3 months after he joined the school." Yuni smiled apologetically at Lambo.

"Aww..." Lambo sighed.

"Cheer up, Lambo-kun! The next building I'm going to introduce is the dining room!" Yuni cheered.

"Really?" Lambo eyes sparkled once more.

"Yeah. Let's see... There! That ice blue building! It's called Snow! Our dining room is located inside. Breakfast, Lunch and Dinner, the students all settle it there." Yuni explained gleefully.

"Yeah! Food is my energy!" Lambo jumped up and down.

"Quiet down, Lambo!" I pin chided softly while Yuni giggled.

"Alright, students, the second last building you need to know is Wind, the technology laboratory. There, it's located opposite of Storm." Yuni explained shortly. The duo could see the light green building giving off some electricity vibes.

"And then! The final buildings are the Dormitories! The place where all our students sleep in! It's at the far end of our school grounds." Yuni announced.

"We have to share rooms?" I pin asked.

"Of course! I pin-chan you'll share rooms with second grade Kyoko-chan, Haru-chan and Chrome-chan in Dorm 1. Lambo-kun, you'll share a room with Tsuna-kun, Gokudera-kun, Yamamoto-kun and Basil-kun from second grade, as well as Ryohei-kun, Shoichi-kun and Spanner-kun from third grade in Dorm 3. Don't worry, they are all sweeties~" Yuni smiled at the mention of her students.

"Okay... I suppose there's a name for the dorms?" I pin asked again.

"Yup! They do! Nights! That's what they are called!" Yuni exclaimed as the new students sweatdropped.

"U-urm... Can I ask you something?" I pin asked hesitantly.

"Sure!" Yuni nodded.

"Why is this building black in color when it's called Rainbow?" I pin inquired.

"Black? This building is supposed to be a magical rainbow in color!" Yuni tilted her head to the side.

"I can swear that it's black." Lambo added in.

"Yup! The same color as our dormitories." I pin nodded in emphasis. Yuni frowned as she tapped her chin lightly before exclaiming.

"Oh! I know what's happening now! Mukuro-kun again! Lambo-kun, I pin-chan, please don't mistake it. Those are just illusions." Yuni narrowed her blue eyes when she mentioned Mukuro.

"Illusion?" I pin and Lambo asked simultaneously.

"You'll learn that in Fon's class. Uncle Colonello probably noticed it already and dispelled it. Now, let's go down and meet the others!" Yuni exclaimed excitedly.

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