Lunch Chaos

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"Here we are! Our next stop! Osaka!" Fon announced as he drove into a car park lane and parked the bus nicely.

"Hahi! Osaka? Are we going to see the famous Tsutenkaku Tower?" Haru asked, getting excited.

"Yes, we are." Verde replied, his hand reaching up and pushed his glasses up a little.

"Yay!" Kyoko, Haru, Lambo and I pin cheered.

~~~In front of Tsutenkaku Tower

"Um.. Is this T..Tsuten..kaku Tower?" Tsuna asked.

"Of course." Reborn replied.

"Then why does it read V..on..gola?" Tsuna asked, raising his head up to look at the tower.

"Kaching!" the camera went off as Lambo held out the selfie stick.

~~~In front of a restaurant

"Alright, we're going to dine here!" Reborn announced.

"No kidding right?" Gokudera asked, narrowing his eyes at the restaurant.

"Of course not." Reborn replied.

"But this restaurant don't even have a name!" Tsuna complained.

"Kora! Don't complain! Count yourself lucky to have something to eat!" Colonello said.

"Shishishi..... Isn't Osaka famous for its cuisine?" Bel questioned from the side.

"Exactly! Why aren't we eating in the city?! Why are we here in the woods?!" Lambo added.

"Yes, Osaka is definitely famous for its food, that's why we are here. This nameless restaurant is a famous restaurant in the forest that serves the best Osaka cuisine." Fon explained.

"You'll see when we get in!" Skull added before pushing the wooden double doors at the entrance and walked in.

Walking in, the teens were at the loss of words. The restaurant was bustling with people and...... noisy. Unlike the serene and peaceful atmosphere outside of the restaurant, it was very noisy. With the cranking noises of utensils banging against plates and bowls and the noises of people talking and chatting is enough to set someone off.

"Herbivores....." Hibari, at the back of the group, and also the last one to enter the restaurant was pissed off.

"It's too noisy for Hibari-san to take it!" Tsuna said as he sensed the death aura giving off from the ravenette.

"I'm going to bite everyone to death here....." Hibari was getting more pissed off by the minute.

"BANG!" A shot of the gun went off. All sounds and movements ceased. Waiters stopped in their tracks and customers stopped whatever they are doing and looked towards the big group that just entered the restaurant and saw a fedora man pointing a black sleek gun towards the air.

"AHH!!!" Some of the women screamed.

"What was that for?! Kora!" Colonello asked.

"Get us a quiet place where no disturbances are allowed," Reborn said in a cold voice to a female waitress nearby.

"H-Hai! This way!" The female waitress nodded furiously in reply and led them towards a room with two large tables settled in the center of the room. Reborn nodded in approval as he sat down.

"Umm... So, what do you guys want to order?" the female waitress asked.

"All the expensive stuff," Reborn said as the waitress blinked twice before nodding and walked out of the room.

"Come on, sit down." Yuni coaxed as she took the seat next to Reborn. Everyone started to sit around the table except for one single person. Hibari Kyoya.

"Hn. I'll rather not eat." Hibari said as he started for the door.

"Kyoya! Why make things so difficult?" Dino called. Kyoya didn't answer, but just twisted the door knob and opened the door.

"BOOM! CLASH! BANG!" Noises came flooding into the sound proof room. But the sound was 10x louder than before.

"Everyone! Get down!! Tell the chef to prepare enough food that can last for 2 months for 50 people!" A booming voice came out from the restaurant.

"A food raid?" I pin said.

"Those guys are damned," Gokudera commented as he saw Hibari walking out, his expression dark.

"We are here just for lunch! Why are there so many problems?!" Tsuna asked, scratching his head when he heard tonfas clashing with swords.

"BANG!" gun shots went off.

"Wait. Didn't the man earlier say to prepare food for 50 people? Doesn't that mean Hibari has to fight 50 people?" Yamamoto stated.

"BANG, BANG!" more gunshots went off.

"Yeah! Will Hibari-san be alright?!" Tsuna exclaimed before wrenching the door open and took a look outside. Bodies littered everywhere. Holes were seen in the furniture of the restaurant as well as the walls. A few customers were crouched down under the tables with fear written on their faces clearly. In the middle of the restaurant stood Hibari Kyoya, with his tonfas out. A smirk was seen on his face when he faced the leader of the bunch of goons. The leader had a gun out and is pointing at Hibari right now.

"B-back off! Or I'll shoot you! M-monster!" the leader stuttered as his hands were shaking.

"Hn," Hibari said nothing as he took a step forward while the leader took a step back.

"BANG!" the gun went off as Tsuna look in horror.

Hi guys! I'm back! I actually stopped for awhile because I didn't have any feel to do this anymore. I know it isn't a good reason, but truthfully, I only write when the feels are back. I really hope that I can finish this story but oh well, it will take a really long time.... So don't give up on this story! Unless I give up that is... Hahaha...... I'm sorry!! BYEE~~~

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