Start of Music

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Entering the golden building, the new students saw that the room isn't very huge or small. A large wooden platform was settled at the far end of the room with a microphone stand placed at the front of the stage. A music player can be seen beside the stage with huge speakers on each side.

"Yo! Lambo! I pin! Fon-sensei!" Yamamoto, Squalo, Gokudera, Bel, Basil, Ryohei, Lussuria and Levi had already gathered in front of the stage.

"Go on, join them." Fon pushed them lightly on the back

"You're not joining us, Sensei?" I pin looked up at the adult.

"I'm not joining. Only Reborn and Yuni joins in." Fon smiled apologetically and shook his head.

"Why?" I pin asked.

"No reason." Fon smiled and left the room.

"I pin! Lambo! Over here!" Yamamoto called and waved.

"Yamamoto-san, what is this all about?" I pin asked when they reached the group.

"Hm? This is our music lessons that we take everyday without fail. Even Hibari joins in." Yamamoto explained.

"It's a compulsory." Basil added.

"Here comes Hibari-dono." the dirty blond haired teen announced as all heads turned towards the door. Hibari Kyoya, the school prefect walked in and greeted everyone with a his usual death glare.

"OH! HIBARI! YOU'RE HERE!" Ryohei shouted.

"Shut up, herbivore." Hibari glared even harder at Ryohei when the boxer didn't back down. Hibari walked in a few steps before hearing a familiar cheery greeting coming from behind.

"Good afternoon everyone! It's Music Less- AHHH!"A tall blond man came cheerily greeting everyone in the room before tripping on his own feet and falling face first onto the floor and.... In front of Hibari Kyoya.

"Ushishi... That's gotta hurt." Bel laughed as he stuffed his hands into the pockets of his red vest.

"Itetete...." the blonde sat up while rubbing his nose and forehead.

"Oi! Look up!" Gokudera shouted and warned.

"H-huh?" the blonde looked up slowly to find a certain ravenette towering over him and glaring at him so hard that he thought he looks like he was going to tear him apart. If looks could kill, the man would have been dead right now.

"K-Kyoya, wait up! Don't hit me!"the blonde stuttered as he stood up and looked down at Hibari, since he was 10cm taller than him after all. Hibari, with his tonfas out, glared even harder at the man taller than him.

"K-Kyoya, let's carry on with the lesson, ne? You don't want to fight here." the blonde coaxed.

"Hn." Hibari kept his tonfas and walked to the back of the room.

"Woah. Dino-Sensei always had a way to deal with Hibari, ne?" Yamamoto mused out loud.

"Cheh. That bucking horse always had some sort of aura around him, just like your little brunette friend." Squalo said.

"Why did Squalo-senpai says that?" I pin asked.

"I pin-chan, that is because Squ-chan already knew Dino even before he attended Vongola Middle." Lussuria explained.

"VOI!! Lussuria! How many times have I told you not to call me that?!" Squalo raged.

"Maa... Squalo, you're shouting again." the blond man walked over. He wore an orange collared dress shirt, black slacks, a long white loose sleeveless jacket and white boots. His belt around his waist hung a brown leather whip.

"Cheh." Squalo turned away and folded his arms across his chest.

"So, where are the others?" Dino asked.

"Juudaime's not here yet." Gokudera pouted slightly.

"And so is Froggy." Bel chirped.

"So, they are still in Sky and Mist?" Dino asked while looking around and sighed. They nodded.

"Ne. Why does that silver head there call Tsuna Juudaime?" Lambo asked.

"Hahaha... Gokudera calls Tsuna Juudaime because Tsuna is the tenth one that wants to become his friend. But then, the previous 9 friends of Gokudera's are all his friends just for the sake of money, so he treasures Tsuna a lot." Yamamoto explained.

"Oh..." Lambo nodded his head.

"Kufufu... Who says we're not here?" Suddenly, a creepy laughter echoed through the air. Mist gathered on the stage as 3 silhouettes appeared.

"Master... Do we really have to do this kind of dramatic entrance." a monotone voice was heard from the mist.

"Rokudo Mukuro..." Hibari narrowed his eyes. The ravenette then rushed forward and swung his tonfa forward into the mist and contacted with something hard.

"Kufufu... As impatient as always, Hibari Kyoya..." the mist disappeared gradually as a pineapple headed teen, a teal haired teen and a girl with the same pineapple hairstyle stepped out of the mist.

"Mukuro, Fran and Chrome-chan, why didn't you guys appear sooner?" Dino sighed.

"Dino, I know you sensed us. Why didn't you expose us?" Mukuro asked as he held his trident in front of Chrome where Hibari's tonfa struck.

"Ha... Isn't it more interesting this way? Anyways, Tsuna and the others aren't here yet, so why not?" Dino sighed again.

"Hn." Hibari jumped back.

"Itai..." Fran felt 3 familiar knives sticking out of his hat.

"Ushishi... How dare the froggy trick the prince." Bel said in a cheeky yet dangerous manner when he held a new set of knives in between his fingers.

"Bel-senpai, it's your fault that you don't pay attention in concentration class." Fran retorted.

"Tch. It's not the prince's fault." Bel turned away and pouted, while the tiniest bit of smile crawled its way onto Fran's face.

"Ne, Yamamoto-san, why did Fran-san call Bel-san senpai? Aren't they the same grade like you?" I pin asked as she watched the commotion.

"Ahaha... That's because Fran was transferred here at a later date. So, Bel asked him to address him as Senpai. And also because that Mammon-Sensei won't teach Fran illusions and magics because he came at a later date, Mukuro offered to teach Fran. So, Fran called him Master." Yamamoto explained.

"More like force..." Lambo mumbled and Yamamoto just laughed it off.

"Alright guys! Let's start without them!" Dino shouted among the noisy commotion. He walked up on stage and glanced at his watch.

'We have 1 hour and 30 minutes left.' Dino thought.

"Uh hum." Dino coughed through the microphone settled in the stand as he got everyone's attention as all movement ceased.

"Alright, as we can see, the Home Economics Club and Technician Club as well as the All Rounded Special Program members won't be joining us for today. So let's start the lesson!" Dino announced.

"How do we start?" Lambo asked.

"OH! You are the new student?" Dino suddenly noticed new faces.

"Yeah... And I pin too. " Lambo pointed to his friend.

"My name is Cavallone Dino. How about yours?" Dino self introduced.

"I'm Lambo!" Lambo grinned.

"I'm I pin. Nice to meet you, Dino-Sensei." She bowed slightly.

"Alright then! How about we show our new friends here how we rock and roll on stage!" Dino cheered.

"Who wants to start the ball rolling?!" Dino asked and was met with silence.

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