Start of the Truth

164 13 5

"To start off, I'll be explaining the current situation. In 10 months time, the whole of Japan will be no more but a scrap of wasteland." Yuni turned into a very serious tone as she paced back and forth the dining room.

"A-A scrap of l-land?" Tsuna repeated slowly.

"Yes, that is correct." Yuni nodded.

"VOI! DON'T MESS AROUND WITH ME! HOW CAN THAT HAPPEN?" Squalo stood up and scream at Yuni, who didn't falter at all.

"Sit down, Squalo," Colonello ordered. When Squalo was about to say another word, Xanxus reached out and pulled hard at Squalo's arm and made him sit down. Another glare from Xanxus shut the shark up completely.

"So.... what exactly is going to happen, Yuni-sensei?" Kyoko asked from the other side of the room.

"Just like what you have experience just now. Just that it will happen gradually at different times in these 10 months." Yuni continued her explanation. After a few seconds of silence, Yuni decided to continue.

"Japan will be hit by time paralyzation, eternal darkness, and the destruction of land caused by Natural Disasters." Yuni paused.

"Eternal darkness huh...." Xanxus looked down at his own hands, recalling how he conjured that orb of flame in his hands.

"Yuni-sensei, by eternal darkness, do you mean that the sun will disappear?" Haru asked.

"No. Only the part where the sun is shining on Japan is blacked out." Yuni replied.

"Doesn't that mean Japan will disappear from the world map forever?" I pin realised.

"Yes, I'm afraid so." Yuni's eyes were filled with sorrow as she nodded her head slowly. Gasps were heard across the room when Yuni confirmed.

"S-So how do we save Japan?!" Tsuna asked, afraid that Japan will disappear.

"Fortunately, Byakuran and I had found a solution to this. But not fully, though." Yuni gave a small smile to the others.

"Byakuran-san? You mean Byakuran-san already knew all of this?" Shoichi suddenly stood up.

"Yes. Byakuran and I have the power to travel through parallel worlds. We use this knowledge and ability to try to save Japan." Yuni told her students about their albino friend and explained what parallel worlds mean.

"So that's what Byakuran has been doing this 2 days..." Tsuna thought aloud to himself.

"So what's the solution you have been mentioning?" Gokudera asked gruffly.

"What we have found out is that to stop the 3 different disasters, we will need to find the place, the objects and the necessary people." Yuni started.

"Necessary people?" Tsuna tilted his head.

"Yes. That, we will come later. I'm going to talk about the places and objects first." Yuni assured Tsuna.

"The places, the Temporal Tower, Light Chamber and the Climate Cave." Yuni named the 3 different places.

"Temporal Tower? What's that? I've never heard of it before. Same goes for the other two places." Gokudera questioned.

"These 3 places are what Byakuran provided us. He found out that if we want to stop the disasters from striking, we have to find the objects and return them to each of the places." Yuni explained.

"And after Byakuran finds out the places, I found out the required objects. The Time Gears, Light Orbs and the Weather Gems." Yuni said, looking at all of her students.

"There is a total of 7 Time Gears, 6 Light Orbs and 6 Weather Gems. They are usually settled in their own respective towers, chambers and caves. But, for a mysterious reason, they disappeared. That's why, the chosen ones are supposed to bring the respective items back to their place so that Japan could be saved." Yuni explained.

"Alright, I can understand most of that. So, exactly who are the chosen ones?" Tsuna absorbed all the information in before asking the final question.

"In actual fact, the chosen 13 are amongst all of you here." Yuni nodded her head firmly as the students widened their eyes.

"A-Among us?" Shoichi repeated.

"Yes. I will announce the chosen 13." Reborn suddenly stood up and said.

"The first chosen 7 of the Time Gears would be, Tsuna, Gokudera, Yamamoto, Ryohei, Lambo, Hibari and Mukuro." As the chosen 7 was announced, the room fell into silence. They couldn't believe their ears and the fact they got chosen. They were shocked into silence.

"I will now announce the next 6 chosen ones of the Light Orbs. They are, Xanxus, Belphegor, Squalo, Lussuria, Levi and Fran." Reborn continued. The six light orb holders widened their eyes when their name got called, not like you can see Bel's eyes anyway.

"What about the last chosen 6?" Haru asked daringly as she broke the suffocating silence.

"The last chosen 6 would be Byakuran and his comrades," Reborn announced the last 6.

"............." No one said anything for a few minutes.

"I know this new piece of news would be very hard for all of you here to take, especially the chosen 13 we have just announced. The pressure on you guys would be quite hard for you to take. But I want all of you to remember that everyone here will be there for you. Do not suffer in silence. Go and rest up tonight and think of what WE are protecting and what YOU want to protect. That is why we take the effort to bring you around Japan on a school trip. Come back tomorrow with that resolve. Dismissed." Reborn broke the silence as he said what he was supposed to say and walked out of the room without saying another word, and of course followed by the rest of the senseis.

"........" The room was once again in silence. Everyone was deep in their own thoughts. Reborn's words echoed in their minds. What are they going to protect? Who are they going to protect? Why are they protecting? After what seemed like hours, but in actual fact, a few minutes, Hibari left the room. One by one, everyone left.

~~~In their bedrooms

Everyone was split into their dormitory groups and shared a room together. Different rooms, same situation. Everyone laid on their futons, eyes wide open, unable to sleep. Thinking of what their resolve is and what and who they really want to protect.

"Japan is a must. And of course.......... my love ones."

*Hahaha! I just wanna say that the idea of Temporal Tower and Time gears came from the game Pokemon Mystery Dungeon. If you guys played, you would know. Anyways, just saying~ Bye! Till next time!*

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