Unexpected Information

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Rainbow, Head Office~

"Guys, I'm sure everyone here knows what happened in Stars just now, right?" Reborn started.

Reborn, Colonello, Skull, Fon, Mammon, Verde and Yuni sat in a circle around a desk in the head office.

"Reborn, are you sure we should take that boy's feelings so seriously?" Colonello questioned.

"Yea! Colonello-senpai is right!" Skull added.

"I think we should trust Tsuna like Reborn. The students here aren't to be underestimated." Fon said.

"That's right. Luce chose them for a reason." Verde agreed.

"But we don't even know why Luce chose them." Mammon reasoned.

"That's where Yuni comes in." Reborn tilted his fedora upwards and showed his face fully. His sideburns curled in a weird manner as his piercing black eyes shot Yuni a look.

"Yuni?" the others repeated.

"U-urm... Y-yeah?" Yuni looked down as she played with her fingers nervously and uneasily.

"Yuni, you knew about this, right?" Reborn pressed.

"U-urm....." Yuni still refused to say anything.

Suddenly, she felt her head spin.

"Yuni, tell us. What is it?" Reborn pressed on even further.

"R-reborn.. You shouldn't do this..." Colonello frowned as Yuni shut her eyes tightly, as though she was in pain.

"T-time... D-darkness... N-natural D-disasters... a-and... E-earth b-balance..." Yuni mumbled as she left her seat and crouched down, her knees to her chest.

"What does that mean?" Skull questioned.

"Yuni, can you state it clearer?" Reborn asked.

"Vongola... V-varia... M-Millefiore... A-Arcobaleno..... AHHH!!!" Yuni screamed and held her head in her hands as images zoomed across her mind. Debris stopped in mid air, darkness engulfing everything, tsunami and typhoons destroying everything that stands in its path and the last one, the earth shattering.

"Reborn, we'll ask her tomorrow. Let her rest for the day." Fon said as he held the young lady's shoulders before trying to calm her nerves down.

"I've never seen Yuni like that before. Not even Aria or Luce." Verde stated.

"Those words. Time, darkness, natural disasters, earth balance, Varia, Millefiore and Arcobaleno. What do they mean? Especially the word Vongola. Isn't that our school's name?" Mammon recounted the words Yuni said.

"Do you think the earth and we are in trouble? Kora!" Colonello asked.

"Most likely. We'll get more information tomorrow. Do not let this information get out of this room." Reborn said.

"Is Yuni alright?" Reborn asked, turning his attention to his old friend's granddaughter.

"Yeah. She just needs some rest." Fon said. Yuni had stopped screaming and is now sleeping soundly.

"I'm going to get some coffee. See you guys tomorrow." Reborn left the room.

"I'm off too." Mammon disappeared into the mist.

"See you guys tomorrow." Verde went off too, through some random hole in the wall.

"I'm going to go too!" Skull ran off.

"Ha..... Colonello, you should go and rest too. I'll take care of Yuni." Fon sighed.

"Alright. I'll see you tomorrow too! Kora!" Colonello walked away.

"Yuni... Just what are you keeping from us?" Fon mumbled to himself.

"Ding Dong~ Please make your way to Snow right now." the mechanical voice sounded again.

Dorm 1~

"Chrome-chan, I-pin-chan! It's dinner time!" Haru called.

"Dinner already?" I pin rubbed her eyes.

"Yup! Let's go grab some!" Haru smiled gleefully.

Dorm 2~

"VOI!! It's dinner time!" Squalo screamed, having the first one to wake up and effectively waking everyone up with his evening call scream.

"Shishi... Sharky shall be punished for waking up the prince." Bel grinned a Cheshire grin.

"I'm going to go get my dinner rather than dealing with this stupid bunch of rowdy and violent people." Fran sat up, still holding his green frog plush.

"Hmm~ everyone's so energetic~!" Byakuran woke up too.

"VOI!! Xanxus! Wake up! It's dinner time!" Squalo shouted, but only earned a Liger plush coming straight at his face.

"Shut up, trash." the ravenette sat up blearily.

"VOI! What was that for?!" Squalo pulled the plush away and threw it back to Xanxus.

"Che. Trash." His red sharp gaze pierced through Squalo as he walked out of the room.

"Hmm~ Let's go and eat, Squalo-kun." Byakuran hummed as he walked past the silverette with a packet of marshmallows in hand.

Squalo shuddered inwardly at Xanxus' sharp gaze before snapping out of it and followed the albino out of the room.

'I should have been used to it by now!' Squalo screamed in his mind.

"Ushishi... Seems like everyone's out for dinner. The prince should go too." Bel talked to himself before walking out of the room with his hands stuffed in his pockets.

Fran blinked twice as he was the only one left in the room.

"Everyone ignored me. Well, I suppose that's a good thing." the greenette mumbled to himself before strolling out of the room after retrieving his frog hat.

Dorm 3~

"Ding Dong~"

"W-wha?" Tsuna sat up straight.

"J-juudaime? What's the matter?" Gokudera sat up on his bed. Apparently, he had fallen asleep on his red colored bed.

"Ah! Gokudera-kun. It's dinner now, right?" Tsuna turned to his right.

"Um... Yeah. Baseball-idiot and the others are playing p-" Gokudera cut himself off when he saw the six of his roommates had fallen asleep at the table while playing poker cards.

"Everyone must be tired from training." Tsuna smiled as he saw Yamamoto sprawled all over the table, snoring away lightly.

"Minna! It's dinner time!" Tsuna walked over and shouted, effectively waking everyone up.

"Tsuna? You're awake? Are you fine now?" Yamamoto asked, rubbing his bleary eyes.

"Yea. Thanks, Yamamoto!" Tsuna smiled and the ravenette beamed at the brunette.

"Dinner time?" Lambo sat up groggily.

"DINNER TIME!" Ryohei shouted, fist pumping into the air.

"DINNER!" Lambo repeated, suddenly processing the given information much faster. The excited duo then ran out. To get dinner, of course.

"Sawada-dono, are thou sure thou is okay?" Basil asked after stretching a little.

Tsuna nodded.

"Okay, how about we go grab some dinner?" Shoichi suggested.

"Yea. We should." Spanner agreed when he heard Tsuna and Yamamoto's stomach growl.

"Let's go!" Yamamoto grinned sheepishly and walked off with the others following behind.

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