Rangers and Kendo

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"Ushishi... It seems like we have visitors." the creepy chuckle reverberated in their ears when the trio entered the vast training hall.

The hall was very huge. There were so many targets glued onto the walls, some were pierced with knives, some had cracked lines along the center and some looked like it got blown up. The walls were a blood red with matching ceilings while the floor was a sea blue. The tiles on the floor had nasty crack lines here and there. It was a miracle how the floor was still holding up.

Right in the middle of the room, the blond 'prince' leapt up and spun gracefully into the air, allowing his weirdly crafted knives hit the mark on every target.

"Shishi.... Bullseye." Bel chuckled proudly.

"Tch. Watch this." Gokudera grabbed his dynamites, spread them evenly between his fingers, jumped and release his hands outwards.

"Rocket Bomb!" Gokudera shouted as the backside of his bombs fired up and rocketed towards the targets in a very high speed as it hit the bullseye and exploded.

"That was superb! Bel-dono, Gokudera-dono." Basil praised before leaping up himself and threw his metal boomerang as the weapon went around the hall, hitting every mark on the target.

"You're not bad yourself." Gokudera praised and Basil reclaimed his weapon back into his hands.

"As you can see, the Rangers and Weapons Club opened only last year because this three teens here only joined the previous year, and they showed great interest in accuracy. Colonello was a sniper, so he was more than happy to pass them his skills, but to his dismay, the three teens are not keen in sniping. Instead, they chose their own weapons. Bel and his knives, Gokudera and his dynamites, and finally Basil and his boomerang." Fon explained.

"Alright! Let's spar! Kora!" Colonello burst in through the doors with his rifle in hand just as Fon finished explaining.

"Shishi... Sensei's fired up." Bel laughed.

"We better go, guys." Fon said calmly when a burst of blue energy went past him and head straight to the three teens who dodged swiftly.

"They are so violent!" Lambo stared at the clouds billowing each time someone delivered a blow.

"Yup, the raging storm that never rests. Although I think that Basil doesn't fit the bill." Fon chuckled as he pushed the two out of the dangerous building as a sound of an explosion was heard once again from Storm.

"VOI!!!" a familiar shout can be heard from Rain.

"Wha-what was that?" I pin asked, turning to the sea blue building.

"Hah... I wonder what's the problem now." Fon sighed as he walked towards the building and pushed the wooden doors open just to find both Squalo and Yamamoto drenched.

"May I know why are the two of you drenched?" Fon asked pointedly.

'VOI!! Ask that brat! Pouring that bucket of water all over me!" Squalo pointed at an empty bucket and then at his blue vest for emphasis.

"Ahaha... I just thought that practicing when drenched would be pretty interesting and fun! Ahahaha......" Yamamoto was sitting on the ground, laughing like he doesn't have a care in the world.

"VOI!! Stop your idiotic laughter! Brat!" Squalo screamed.

"Ahaha.... Sorry... Sorry..." Yamamoto laughed a little bit more before ceasing and turned into a chuckle instead.

"What a weird pair." Lambo mumbled under his breath, but Fon caught it.

"Um... How about I start like this... This Kendo Club was founded by Squalo and-" Fon got cut off.

"Yuni-Sensei told us already." Lambo said boredly.

"VOI! Brat! That just shows how much of a brat you are!" the silverette point his sword at Lambo.

"VOI! Fon! Get them out of the Dojo!" Squalo shouted.

"Alright. I'll explain outside." Fon pushed them outside again.

"Sensei, what do you want to explain to us?" I pin asked when they reached outside.

"Do you know why Yamamoto joined the Kendo Club?" Fon asked and smiled. The two shook their heads.

"That boy actually excels and loves the sport he plays in elementary school." Fon explained as they walked to the next building.

"What kind of sport?! Volleyball? Basketball? Soccer?" Lambo asked, interested as he remembered the days where he played sports with his friends before joining this erratic school.

"You missed out on one. Baseball. I can tell that Yamamoto missed it a lot. All of us knew and saw that that boy has been swinging his imaginary bat whenever he has the time." Fon's eyes softened.

"Why didn't you guys build a Baseball Club?" I pin asked, pitying her senpai.

"Unfortunately, no." Fon frowned.

"And why is that?" Lambo asked.

"We have our own reasons." Fon frowned even more. His usual smile not on his face anymore.

"Sensei, then why did Yamamoto-san joined the Kendo Club?" I pin asked, changing the subject when she saw the frown on Fon's face.

"When Yamamoto and his friends are choosing their club, he saw that Squalo was the only one that was in the Kendo Club. After asking Reborn about the reason, Yamamoto joined the Kendo Club. That boy probably joined to accompany him." Fon smiled.

"And that probably shows that he knew what it's like to be lonely." Fon's smiled dropped a little.

"Thank you Sensei!" I pin thanked him suddenly.

"Thank you?" Fon repeated.

"For sharing with us this story." I pin smiled.

"Yup! Let's go to Sun now!" Lambo cheered.

"Alright, and by the way, the Martial Arts Club is managed by me! If you remember!" Fon smiled.

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