Picnic part 2

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Prompt: part 2 of my last chapter
Jenna's pov
Me and Val, and the little boy finished eating. We started walking back to our car. I felt a little hand reach for mine. I look down at him and smiled. He looked so beat down. He had a once white shirt now covered in dry dirt and a pair of jeans that were too big for him. His brown hair was long and curly. He had dark blue eyes like mine. We get to the car and Val opens the backseat for him.
"Val that's not safe he's only 5" I said.
"Have him sit on your lap"
I get in the back with the little boy. I have him sit on my lap.
"Your car is nice" he said.
"Thank you" Val said.
"What's your job" he asked me.
"I'm a dancer, and so is he on dancing with the stars"
"Wow cool" he said in awe. We get to the police station and we go inside. We tell an officer what happened. We go talk to a child specialist. We find out that his mother left North America and is never coming back, his father was shot before he was born, and he never did get a name.
"There's barely anything on this kid. Really he has no parents and no name. You can adopt him, he would probably love a new family. Especially yours, since both of you love the same thing and I'm guessing you would want your kids in dance. You could keep him out of trouble."
I look over at Val. He nods him head and I smile.
"We'd love to have him be part of our family" Val says.
"You guys get to name him and everything so congratulations."
She left to go get some paper work. Val grabs my hand.
"We have a family babe" he says smiling.
"Yeah, so what are we gonna name him" I ask.
"I want an unique name"
"Yeah me too" I said back. " How about Kohen?" I ask.
"Kohen, yeah that's a good name. We can make sure that he's okay with it too"
"Yeah we don't want a boy who hates his name" I said. The lady came back in and we signed some papers. We go into the play room where our little boy is.
"Hey" I say getting his attention.
"Hi" he said smiling. Me and Val sit down on the floor next to him.
"Is something wrong" he asks.
"Nothing is wrong. We just wanted to ask you if you wanted us to be your parents"
"You guys be my parents? Yeah of course I want you guys too" he said cutely. Me and Val both smile.
"Good so since you didn't have a name, we got to pick. Do you like the name Kohen"
"Yeah it's cool" he said smiling.
"Great" Val said picking him up.
"Hi, I'm your father and this is your mother"
"Daddy" he said hugging Val. He comes into my arms and gives me a hug.
"Why don't we get you some new clothes" Val asked.
"Yeah, this is my only outfit I got" he said. We leave the police station and go to the store. We went into the stores and got new clothes for him. We stopped by toys r us to get a few thing for him to play with and a car seat. All of the toys Kohen had picked were planes and cars.
We had a cart full of toys and we brought all of it. We put all of the stuff in the back of our car and strapped Kohen in his car seat. We get back to the house.
"Woww" Kohen says as we pull into our driveway. "This house is big!"
"This is yours buddy" Val says opening the door. We had a guest bedroom that would now be his room. We brought him up their and put all of his toys in there. We gave Kohen a bath and he looked like a regular kid. We put a new outfit on him and he started playing with some of his toys. We brought him downstairs to play while we watched tv. I watched him play on the floor with his planes.
"We should have people over for dinner" I say to Val.
"How many" he asks.
"Well Mark and wit, Emma and Sasha, Brittany and Paul, Peta and Maks, Alan, Brooklyn, Artem, Keo, Derek, Lindsay and Sam" I say.
"OK I'll call them" he says. Yah now everyone gets to meet our perfect little guy.
Dinner time
Val's pov
Everyone was at the house having fun. I felt a tap on my leg. I look down and Kohen was standing there. I pick him up and he lays his head on my shoulder.
"I'm tired daddy"
"Ko we haven't even eaten yet. Why don't you go play for awhile longer?"
"I've been playing all day"
"Ok what do you want to do"
"I wanna learn how to dance"
I smile at his want for dance. "Ok how about tomorrow we will start lessons"
"Ok. Who will teach me"
"Me and mommy" I said.
"Yah" he said excited. "I'm gonna go tell mommy" he says running to her.
Jenna's pov
Val was holding Kohen, he was so good with kids. I see him running over to me. He runs into my legs.
"Mommy mommy mommy"
"What what what"
"Daddy said you will teach me how to dance"
"Of course Ko I'd love to"
All of the girls said awe. He pulled himself onto the couch and sat next to me. He laid his head on my lap.
"I'm tired" he complained.
"How about after we eat we can go swimming"
"Yeah" he said.
"Ok but you have to eat all of your food"
"That won't be a problem, I'm really hungry"
"Ok" I said. Val came in and said dinner was ready. We all go to the backyard and make our plates of food and sit down at our tables. I was sitting next to Kohen. He finished all of his food.
"Mommy can I go swimming now"
"You have to wait until me or Daddy is done"
"Okay" he said.
"Now can I go swimming" he asked when Val got up.
"Yeah go put on your swim trunks"
"Ok mommy" he said running up to his room. He came back down with his swim trunks on.
"Ko do you know how to swim"
"Yeah" he said. Val came out in his swim trunks.
"Ready to jump in" Val asked him.
"Hold me" Kohen said.
"Ok" Val picked him up and then jumped in. Kohen started swimming around in the shallow end.
"This is fun! Mommy you got to get in"
"I will" I said going upstairs to put on my swim suit. I got my bikini on and went back outside.
"Mommy jump in"
"Ok" I said I ran into the pool and jumped into the shallow end. Kohen swam over to me.
"I love you mommy"
"I love you too Kohen"
Val came over and wrapped his arms around me, smashing Kohen in between us. He gave me a kiss.
"Ewww" Kohen said in disgust. We both laughed. He swam to the steps and Val stayed with me.
"Who would have thought the most important thing in our life would come to us on a picnic" he said.
"I didn't plan it" I said smiling. He gave me another soft kiss.
After everyone left we put Kohen in his pjs. He got in his bed and under his covers.
"Thank you" he said to us.
"Thank you" Val said. I gave him his stuffed bear that we got him.
"Goodnight Ko" Val said giving him a fist bump.
"Goodnight" I said giving him a kiss on his forehead.
"Night" he said. I turn off his light and leave his door cracked open for him. I laid down in bed with Val. I fell asleep fast from our day's activities. I was woken up by Kohen tapping me.
"What's wrong"
"I can't sleep"
I pull him up on the bed and hold his hand.
"Why couldn't you sleep"
"I kept dreaming about my real mommy taking me away from you"
"Kohen that will never happen"
"Okay" he said. Val turned around and Kohen laid his head on his chest. He fell asleep like that. I love my two guys.

Keep requesting!! Thanks for reading my second part! I really liked this one so...
Yesterday I got Jenna to like one of my photos on Instagram!!! I was freaking out!

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