My princess

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Val has a daughter by himself and he meets Jenna
Val's pov
I wake up hearing music playing. I walk into my little girls room and see her dancing around.
"Hey princess, are you dancing"
"Yeah daddy! I'm excited for dance today!"
"You are? I'm excited to see you dance"
Today is Sophia's first dance class. We went shopping yesterday and bought loads of clothes for her to wear. She picked out her black polka dot one to wear today.

I look at her and smile once she gets it on

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I look at her and smile once she gets it on. I carry her downstairs and get her some breakfast. Happily she didn't spill anything on her tutu or she would've have the biggest fit ever. She grabs her "dance" bag that only had a water bottle in it, she wanted to be like me so I let her bring it. I strap her into her car seat. It takes at least 20 minutes to get to the dance studio. We get there and she starts to get scared. She hides behind my legs.
"Princess your class is gonna start soon"
"I scared now papa, I don't wanna go in"
Then a young girl a few years younger than me came out of the studio she's suppose to be in.
"Okay little ballerinas, it's time to start class" she said to the little girls that were Sophia's age.
"Daddy, do I have to go?"
"Hi I'm Jenna, is she in my ballet class"
"Yes but she's a little scared"
"Awe" she said then got on her knees in front of Sophia.
"What's your name?" She asked soph.
"Oh what a pretty name, I'm Miss. Jenna"
"Hi" she said shyly.
"What's in your dance bag?"
"Water bottle, I brought so I could be like daddy"
"Oh is daddy a dancer too?"
"Is mommy a dancer?"
"No mommy gone" she said.
"Oh I'm sorry, we'll do you want to come into class with me today?"
"Daddy come too?"
"Daddy can come" Jenna says.
"Daddy you come in with my too!"
"Of course sweetie, I'll sit in there"
"Yay!" She said. She held Jenna's hand and walked into class with her. I stayed in the room the entire time. While Jenna was teaching I kinda started noticing how pretty she is. Sorry not pretty. Gorgeous. I kind of fell in love with her in 30 minutes. She gave the girls a break and she walked over to me. I sat up and coughed.
"Hey Jenna!" I say.
"Hey, um, what's your name?"
"Thank you"
"So Jenna how old are you?"
"Cool, I'm 26"
"Well Sophia is doing an amazing job, she has a natural talent"
"That's great, she's been really excited about dancing for awhile"
"Awe she's one of the cutest students I've ever had"
"Thank you, I would say they're from me but they're from her mom"
She laughs, the most beautiful laugh.
"Gosh I fall more in love with you by the second" I say out loud on accident.
"Huh?" She said.
"What I didn't say anything"
"Yeah you did, you said that you fall more in love with my by the second"
I blush. "Did I really?"
"Yeah and now you're blushing" she said.
"I'm sorry, I can't help it, you're a really pretty girl"
She smiles at me.
"Well you're a very handsome man" she says then walks away.

After Sophia's class we were packing up. During dance she ripped her shoe so I had to take them off her. But she was crying and kicking because those were her favorite and only dance shoes. Jenna comes up behind us.
"Sophia what's wrong?"
"I ripped my shoe"
"Aw baby, it's okay, I know your daddy will buy you new ones"
"Promise daddy?"
"Of course sweetie, I'm gonna buy you a new pair"
I carry her out to the car. I watch Jenna get in hers. Her car doesn't start up.
"Sophia stay right here daddy will be right back"
I get out of my car and walk up to hers. I knock on the window. She jumps then rolls it down.
"Hey babe, do you need a ride"
"Um yeah that'd be great"
"Okay come with me"
She gets out of her car and locks it. I open the door for her into mine.
"Hi Miss. Jenna"
"Hi Sophia" she said turning around. They talk the entire ride. I get to Jenna's house. She walks up to the door and it's locked. She comes back to the car.
"It's locked and I don't have a key"
"You can stay at our house tonight"
"Oh no, I'll just call my friend"
"Jenna it's raining and 11 pm, just stay at my place"
"Okay" she said. I drive back to our house. I fill Sophia's sippy cup with milk and give it to her. I lay her down and comes back downstairs with Jenna.
"I can go grab some clothes for you to wear tonight"
"Oh thank you, that'd be awesome"
I go upstairs and grab a sweatshirt of mine. I give it to her.
"So do you have a guest room I could sleep in"
"Um yes but it's Sophia's play room"
"Okay that's fine I'll lay on the couch"
"No! Babe, you can sleep in my room, I have a big enough bed that it won't be awkward"
"Val, it's already awkward"
"No it's not, it's just two friends"
"Val, but you think I'm pretty-"
"Gorgeous actually"
"And I think your handsome, so we're not just friends, we're friends that like each other"
"We can be more than friends" I say scooting closer to her.
" I don't know"
"Jenna, I'm not an asshole, I don't break girls hearts"
I lean in close to her so our noses are touching.
"Do you want this?"
"Yes, please" she said. I kiss her hard. So hard that she falls back and I'm on top of her. We both start kissing hungrily. She moans in my mouth.
"Daddy" I hear Sophia say. I look up and see her at the bottom of the steps. I get up and Jenna starts fixing her shirt that I had started to pull down.
"What's wrong princess"
"I had nightmare"
"Oh do you want to fall asleep in daddy's arms?"
"Yes please"
"Okay" I say. I pick her up and sit on the couch next to Jenna. Sophia lays out on me and her. She start to close her eyes.
"Daddy, what were you and Miss. Jenna doing?"
"Um we were just wrestling"
"I saw you kissing"
"Um yeah we were wrestling with our lips" Jenna said.
"Oh, okay I go bed now"
She closes her eyes and falls asleep.
"Let's go upstairs Jen"
She follows me up. I lay Sophia down again and then crawl into my bed with Jenna. We end our night with her on top of me and our lips still barely connected.

Gosh I love this girl....

So if you don't know, this is actually a book being written by dance10addison you should all go read it!! It's amazing! It's called where's mommy? Everyone go read it, it's my new favorite on here!

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