my little girl

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Val and Jenna with their daughter
Val's pov
"daddy!" I hear Arabella scream from her room. I move a little.
"Val, Bella wants you" Jenna said.
"yeah but I want to lay with you" I say. I hear two feet running down the hall. I hear something fall.
"ow!! daddy help" I hear. I jump up and run out into the hall. I see Bella on the ground crying. I pick her up gently and carry her in me and Jenna's room.
"daddy it hurts" she said. I set her on the bed. I see she got rug burn on her knees. I go grab some bandaid. I put them on her knees.
"daddy kiss booboos?"
I lean down and kiss her knees.
"thank you" she said.
"good morning my pretty princess" I say.
"morning daddy" she said. I laid down and she lays between me and Jenna.
"daddy, can I wake mommy up?"
"yeah go ahead but be gentle because she's got Finley in her belly" I say. Jenna is 7 months pregnant with our second baby, Finley. I'm so excited to have a little boy.
Bella crawls onto Jenna and wakes her up. she whispers quietly, "morning mommy." I kiss Jenna's cheek to get her more awake.
"Val" she said.
"yes sweetie?"
she didn't respond for a moment. under the covers her hand moved down.
"Jenna baby present" I say. she jumped up and moved her hand back to herself.
"sorry, habit" she said.
"what's habit mean?" Bella asked.
"it means you're used to doing something. like you're used to having mommy make you breakfast because I do it everyday" she said kissing Bella's little nose.
"oh oh!! can we have toast and eggs for breakfast?" Bella asked. "please."
"of course sweetie" Jenna said.
"daddy carry me!" she jumps into my arms and I catch her. I carry her downstairs.
"daddy can I sit in big girl chair?"
"yeah you can try" I say. she sits on her knees in the chair.
"momma look! I'm big kid!"
"yay!!" Jenna said. Jenna gives us our plates of food.
"what are doing today my lovely wife?" I ask grabbing her hand.
"today we're getting our girl a new outfit for the show and we need to get some clothes for Finley"
"yay!! can I get dress?"
"of course you can princess" I say. after our breakfast we go upstairs and all get dressed. while Jenna was getting her makeup on me and Bella were watching tv on our bed. she moved out of my arms and ran into the bathroom. I turn the tv off so I can hear their conversation. I get up and walk over to the bathroom I peek my head in so I can see them. Jenna is standing in front of the mirror and Bella is standing on her stool next to her.
"momma can i have makeup?" she asked.
"sure only a little though" Jenna said. Jenna put some powder on her face and then she put some eye shadow on her. finally she put lip gloss on. Jenna picked her up and put her on the counter.
"can mommy do your hair?" Jenna asked.
"yes please" she said. Jenna starts braiding Arabella's hair.
"mommy you're really pretty"
"thank you, you're pretty too"
"not as pretty as you though"
"just wait till you're older, you'll look more like me"
"but I wanna look like you now"
"you have to wait, it's a part of growing up"
"okay" Bella said disappointed.
"Bella, I promise when you're 16 you'll look a lot like mommy, okay?"
"okay" she said.
"now daddy is waiting for us, let's go" she said. I lay on the bed again.
"hey girlies, wait! is my princess wearing makeup?"
"yeah mommy gave it to me! is it pretty"
"yes, you look beautiful, just like mommy"
"really? I look like mommy?" she said excited.
"yep you look a lot like mommy" I say.

in the mall

we were in the children's section. Jenna would find dresses and have me hold them. Bella didn't really like anyone she saw though.
"mommy I try this on" she said holding up a gold dress.
"okay" she said. the girls go back while I sit and wait for them to come out.
"daddy look, I'm real princess!"
I turn around and look at my little girl in the gold dress.
"wow! baby you look so pretty"
"can I keep it on?" she asked.
"do you want to look for more dresses?"
"okay you can keep it on while we look for more" I say.

me and Jenna go back to looking at dresses. I hear my baby talk. I look down and she's not next to me.
"where'd she go?!" I ask scared. I follow the sound of her voice. I see her standing by the changing room talking to a little boy her age. she does a cute little spin for him in her dress.
"aww Val look"
"I'm looking" I say serious.
"Arabella" I say.
"hi daddy" she said. I saw you doing a spin for him.
"yeah" she said.
"you're only allowed to spin for me" I say.
"oh sorry daddy"
"also no boyfriend" I say strictly.
"okay daddy, bye Daniel" she said waving goodbye to him.
"Val, there was no need for that, she was just talking to a boy" Jenna said.
"exactly! a boy! she's 3, I don't need my princess talking to boys yet" I say.
"mommy can we go home? I'm tired"
"yeah let's get you out of your dress" she said. Jenna goes back with her. I buy the dress while they're changing her. I wait for them to come out. i wrap my arm around Jenna and she holds Arabella's hand. I strap Bella in her car seat and we drive home.
"mommy, daddy, can we cuddle when we get home?"
"of course baby" I say.
we get home and lay in our bed together.
she lays her head on Jenna's belly and her feet on me. I put a blanket over her. "she's really into that baby" I say.
"it's sweet, she'll make a great big sister" Jenna said.

i love missing school🙄😷 leave some more requests❤️❤️

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