Namjoon and ARMYs (7/17)

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Okay, like I'm pissed off beyond words can describe. I thought that I could go onto my computer and write a short story like I always do but, no. Just... No. I've put this topic aside for who knows how many times?! I literally can't take it anymore!

WHO THE HELL DO YOU THINK YOU ARE?! One little mistake and there's death notes?! NAMJOON is a sweet, caring and responsible guy. I'm not saying he's done nothing wrong. He has, but I'm sure he didn't mean to. He just chose the wrong words.


One freaking mistake, people! And now? They have the TRB tour. America's tour. As an international fan from USA, this is basically the ONLY way I can see them! But no, not happening.

Someone.... Not naming who... Threatened WITH a gun in hand on Twitter! Seriously?! I don't know what to even think of that except ARE YOU F***ING KIDDING ME! This has only been the first stop of the tour and they already have to cancel stuff and cut concerts short.

GUYS, DO YOU SEE?! They stopped the concert, cancelled the hi-touch and meetings with fans! And who's at fault?!

Namjoon didn't mean to make a racist comment like that. I'm positive that he has reflected on his words for these past few days already. And those words, I'm sure the members already have forgotten it.

Now, let's talk about us. The fandom, the "fakes" and everyone else. First of all, I'm so sorry to everyone. I'll apologize for the actions of those who sent threats and negativity. I'll apologize as much as you guys want.

But for the people who sent those things, you have no idea what you're doing. You guys say that they're fucked up. Hell to the no, they aren't. It's you guys who are. And some even have the... Whatever it's called... To change bias until Namjoon apologizes?! You got to be kidding me

And I'm not going to point anyone out but, on Allkpop, the comments are disgusting. They have negativity written all over it.

And I sincerely ask all the mature and sane ARMYs to do the right thing. The right thing is sticking by our leader and BTS. Please, I'm asking you. Stick by them, support them.

There's something else I want to ask of you. Don't fight back with negativity. I get that those "fakes" are saying bad and disgusting stuff to our leader but please, don't be like them. I understand that it makes you mad and want to plummet them into the earth so far that they'll never come out again but please, PLEASE don't let them influence you.

Don't send them threats, don't tell them to go die, don't tell them to disappear. Those "fakes" are humans too. And no one, NO ONE, in this cruel world should be told to die or disappear.

I hope that somewhere in our hearts, and through time, we will forgive the people who threatened and whatever to our boys.

I hope for BTS and ARMYs safety through this all. BTS FIGHTING! ARMYS FIGHTING! Stay strong guys, we'll forgive when wrong is done and support you to the end.

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