JIN The Most Adorable Princess Ever (10/25)

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Do you see the pictures?! Do you SEE IT?!?! That right there is the PINK PRINCESS. The most adorable, sexy, handsome, cute, childish and mature princess ever. How can someone be all that in one human body?! How?!?!

It is not mathematically or scientifically possible for that to happen!! Every single time I see him, whether it be on a video or picture, I can't control my girly feelings and scream in excitement.

Everything he does is perfect. He makes my day by just existing. I wish he had more screening time though.

But this video right here!! One whole video devoted to him EATING!!!! ONE WHOLE VIDEO. ON. JUST. HIM. EATING.

BUT!! Oh my god! He looks so freakin cute!!! He's a freaking BUNNY!! I don't know how many times I've seen this video, I still scream my head off every. single. time.

Now you must think I'm pretty weird and creeped out by me but whatever! I find him adorable no matter what he does. And plus, he's talented. With his singing and dancing, he is the best idol in my book.


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