Hottest and Angels (9/30/14)

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Okay so, here's the thing. Hottest and Angels, REALLY?!! 😡 is this really happening? I don't want to sound rude or anything but really?! Both groups are wonderfully talented. I am fans of both (well, a bit more towards teen top) but I don't think it's okay for anyone to badmouth about either group as they are both amazing people Who. Have. Worked. Their. Butts. Off. To. Entertain. You. With. Amazing. Music! I don't know much about this topic. I don't even know who started this stupid fan war but it's seriously not okay. Now I'm just repeating things aren't I? Whether it be a Hottest or an Angel, it is absolutely irresponsible for you to do so. 2PM is getting older but still have all the talent needed and Teen Top is still rising and learning but are amazingly talented as well. Both groups worked as hard as they can and they deserve to be appreciated NOT COMPARED! With all due to respect, I honestly think it's disgusting. Putting one group down and badmouthing about them is simply just disgusting. I know I'll probably get hate from both fan base but I really don't care. I'm just stating what I think. Haters of both groups are probably going to be like 'well I was just stating my opinion like you are'. Okay I'm fine with people stating their opinion. But if it's something that is putting someone down or does not even a single word of respect in their opinion, then they can go and keep that to themselves. Now I would welcome any opinion that is positive or have a positive purpose towards the person/people you're talking about. Now I will say goodbye with every once of Respect to those groups and hopefully the fan war will end soon and positively

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