Does Anybody Know How To Date?

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Dipper's POV

I was driving the car through the quiet forest save for the chirping of birds and the sounds emanating from the forest. But those were all drowned out with the feeling of freedom soaring in my blood and Pacifica beside me who had calmed down from my 'rocky' start. It has been an hour since we left but the day was slowly giving the away the sky for the night. The afternoon light fell through the distance

Moonlight dripped down through the trees and a cool wind fell on the forest, both giving the effect of a wondrous and lush forest around us. No monster in sight, no disasters and no Mabel to bother me. Just me and the love of my life.

I breath in the fresh air and exhale with a smile. I snuck a glance over at Pacifica who was relaxing at the sight that was beautiful but it was good as beaten compared to her. When the moon broke through her hair, she was shining like a goddess. I have never felt like this before with any other girl, not even Wendy.

Just with her, I could fight anything. The sight of her smile gives me strength. Her kaleidoscope eyes drawing me to her. The voice coming from her lips would have an effect on me unlike any weapon on earth. If I was given a wish on whether I should choose the power and knowledge over the universe or her, I will choose her. I vow that I will never give up and I will return to her. I will give her my everything and I shall defeat alternate Bill even if I have to sacrifice my life. It might be cheesy but to my last breath, I promise this.


I blink repeatedly and blush at Pacifica who was near my face and had a curious look on her face.

"Yes, Pacifica?"

"You were staring off in the distance and specifically in my direction."

"Oh, was I?"

"Yes, you were. Do you have a fever? You look red." She went nearer to my face and it just made me blush more at the near proximity we were in. She placed a finger on my forehead and my eyes went to were it went. I look back at her and she was looking at me with her piercing blue eyes. I smile mentally when an idea popped up in m head. I kiss her cheek and I resumed driving down the road.

My eyes went to the left to see Pacifica blushing madly and in her seat holding her knees. I chuckle at her and she twisted her head glaring at me but I wasn't going to flinch. She just made me chuckle more.

"WHAT DID YOU DO THAT FOR!?!?!?" She shouted at me with a scowl on her face.

"If you wanted me to kiss you, you should have asked me instead of going near me."

"W-WHAT! I w-wasn't going to kiss you! I was worried, okay!", she was stuttering t my statement with a noticable redness on her face.

"You know that feeling in your chest? It's called DENIAL." I said singing the word 'denial' off the tip of my tongue. I don't remember being this sarcastic or maybe my time with the Gems changed me a bit.

"Just don't do that again.", she said while drilling a punch to my arm. She sat back on the seat, crossing her arms with a cute pout on her face.

I turn left into the forest and come out to a path hidden precariously in the forest. Whoever did this was pretty crafty. Lanterns were along the road that lit up the scenery around us with an almost ethereal sea green light.

"James, where are we?"

"You'll see." Man, I should have done this years ago. But I couldn't, considering of course the apocalypse and stuff. Why does trouble follow me? Well, it is my fault since I keep on trying to find it on the first place.

I pull up the car to a huge wall with a beautifully adorned wooden door that had survived several centuries but was still standing. Vines covered almost all of it but it also allowed people to see the wall. Pink flowers were blooming on the vines. I should thank my great-grandfather for putting this spot in the journals. I turn off the engine and I exit the car. I walk to Pacifica's side and opened the door holding out a hand for her to take. She was looking confusedly at me. But I only had a sly smile in response.

When Weirdness meets Highness (Dipper x Pacifica Fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now