More Foreshadowing ~Courtesy of Deadpool

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3rd Person POV

In an undisclosed location

Loud footfalls rang throughout the corridor as two men wearing suits walked on the marble tiles through the white bleached halls.

They immediately halt at the end of the hall right in front of an imposing dark wooden door. A silver plaque was placed on the door reading, "Director".

The tallest of the men looked uneasily at his partner as if asking a question in his eyes whether they should do their self-assigned tasks or not in fear of what was behind the door.

The recipient of the look just nodded since they had no choice lest there was a repeat of what happened a long time ago.

The tall man just sighed in slight disappointment as he turned the brass door knob and pushed the door open with an emotionless face as he and his partner are supposed to be in their line of profession.

The men stepped in, closing the door and standing firmly in their place. Their hands were behind their back and legs slightly apart.

A long Victorian desk stood in front of them with only a M290 pistol layed out across its expanse making it feel barren and spartan like the rest of the room which had only a shelf on the right side of the room filled with manuals and non-memorable files and on the gray wall was a symbol of a golden star above a white eagle laying back as if to strike down on an enemy holding three golden arrows in its left leg and a golden thunderbolt in the right, in front of a green shield.

There was also a metal chair behind the ancient table holding an extremely powerful person whose word alone can change international policies on a global scale with more sway than the UN due to their resources and history. The light above was the sole object for illumination in the room but it hid the seated being's feature in darkness.

The men in suits waited for the mysterious individual to say something. The tall agent felt a drop of sweat slide from his blonde haired scalp and down the side of his face then unto his chin where it fell from to the floor.


The agent was startled by his superior's voice, letting fear flit across his eyes for a second until he recovered quickly and cleared his throat for attention when it was already given.

"Sir, there has been sightings in surrounding forest of Gravity Falls of strange creatures which were never present in the first place and one of them was part of a species that was supposed to be hunted down by Agent Pines."

The agent reached into his black suit and pulled out a brown folder. The same insignia of the eagle was stamped on the folder. The figure held out his hand as the agent handed it over.

Fingers danced across the folder before opening it before pulling out what was inside revealing photos of Cerberus and the Titan rampaging through the woods including their gruesome demise.

"We also discovered that two inmates have disappeared from Gravity Falls Juvenile Penitentiary. They were also related in several occurences of the 'Gravity Summer' event six years ago and also to the late Jonathan Moore Pines in different ways."

The photos were thrown down next to the small firearm on the desk as the thrower leaned back.


"Gideon Charles Gleeful and Robbie Stacey Valentino."

"Any evidence on how the creatures were subdued?"

The other agent took it as his cue to answer.

"The cameras shown a young male of teenage build, caucasian, messy brown hair, sea green eyes, pale skin and apparently possesses magical abilities. He summoned a black sword in his hand which ignites black fire. He also has advanced reflexes, enhanced strength and speed."

The figure pulled out a photo from the bottom of the pile showing Dipper in his disguise. The figure clenched their chin in one fist, pondering on the situation.

"Dipper Pines, have you already come back from the dead?"

"Sir? That's impossible, years ago the child was kille-" The blonde agent interrupted.

"You mean missing, Agent Trigger. I have read the files and there was no clue on his disappearance except his jacket and a strange substance which was used for Project Vigilance. Also, am I mistaken with how he escaped you two and was able to raise the dead?"

The now recognized Agent Trigger and his partner, Agent Powers winced slightly as their boss cut them off in an emotionless tone with a slight hint of steel.

"Also, while I was walking my dog around Portland, I had bumped into a male who would fit the description of an 18 year old version of the boy. That can not be a coincidence considering the almost convenient appearance of the man in Gravity Falls only in a diguise, is it agents?"

"No sir." Was the collective response.

"Good. Now send out Agent Nightshade to Gravity Falls to monitor our apparently immortal friend and possibly whatever threat he is hunting down since he found it necessary to attain a cover identity for the time being."

"But sir, Agent Pines and the Professor have only recently trained the subject who was the only survivor of project Vigilance."

"Excuse me agent, did I stutter?"

"N-no sir." Agent Trigger was reminded again that he was with his boss and his word was to be followed.

"Now leave and assure that my orders will be followed with utmost diligence and that Agent Nightshade is equipped with all our Mjolnir tech."

"Yes Director."

The agents left the room in haste as the Director leaned on the table, showing his features as he examined the photo of Dipper running across the leave-scattered dirt floor of the forest, holding his blade in one hand.

"Your move, Pines. Your move."

The screen softly fades to black as the director stares at the audience, his eyes shadowed by the light. While Deadpool was behind making a show of swinging his katana in a batting motion with the neck of the unaware director at the apex of the mock swings to cut off the unsuspecting man's head.

A/N: New things are happening and more questions are coming thanks to the ever sexy Deadpoo-

Deadpool! Get off my keyboard!

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