Operation: Graviton IV

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A/N: So sorry for taking so long. I was just binge watching both seasons of The Loud House and I've gotten so addicted, I'm thinking of making a fanfic about it. It's either Loudcest or Lincoln x Ronnie Anne. BTW, what the heck is Riverdale? Why's everyone freaking out about it? Just saying.


Dipper's POV

Seriously, of all the things that had to happen to me was this.

Me on my back, a girl with red hair that made me think of Kill la Kill laying on me dazed, a scary ghost hovering just behind the hole that exploded into splinters and Pacifica unconscious on the floor, probably thrown back and hit her head on the wall.


Well, Dipper Pines.

It seems like another regular adventure here in Gravity Falls.

Time for Pines to do what he does best.

Think of a plan and improvise the rest that doesn't work.

Ford's POV (Bloody Git)

Damn, what the hell is this monster!?

In all of my years of studying the mysteries of Gravity Falls, I have never come across a being such as this. Well, I did go up against Category 5 ghosts plenty of times but this certain entity might be worthy of a Category 11. First of its kind. To be able to go toe to toe with Jane was a feat indeed. Sure, a few can take her down with a plan, like me, but still impressive.

I've lost sight of them when the ghost struck the floor and created a big hole then obscuring the area with a hole.

Time to switch the lens into infrared.

Not a second later, my vision turns into varying shades of green, blue, yellow and red.

Let's see where the rabbit hole goes, shall we?

I clutch the gun tightly, lowering the barrel slowly but surely. Not even the rain trembling down my rain coat even distracting me while I lay prone on a hill overlooking the mansion.

There's the ghost but where's Jan-

What in the Nine Hells of the Inferno is HE DOING WITH MY NIECE!!?!?!?!?

Back to Dip's POV while Ford has a heart attack

I carefully shove the girl out of my arms while I mutter the incantation to summon my sword to my free hand.

Well, looks like Billy must have sent another one to stop me. Gonna have to get the Pacifica and Red (Her hair is red) out of here.

I bubbled both of them and went to teleport them in my bag. Logic.

I was able to get Pacifica except Red which presented problems because it should have done so, to both humans and gems. Maybe that weird energy I sensed coming from her must have prevented her from being affected by my magical powers.

"You dare ignore me mortal?"

Oh right, forgot about him. I picked up Red, not too gently, and placed her on my shoulder. Looks like I got a handicap, but still ready.

When Weirdness meets Highness (Dipper x Pacifica Fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now