Clinging to a Cli- Part 1

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A/N: Don't go psychological on ME, readers. This chapter was so tearjerking.


Dipper's POV (5 days and 17 hours before 'Note') [I can't believe I put a countdown on my own story. Facepalm. Worst decision ever.]

I wasn't able to sleep last night, my mind was filled with thoughts of Soos dying. Thoughts of my best friend dying. Thoughts of him killing Soos.

I tried to sit up from my position. (He was lying down on the bed, mind you.) I groaned at my stiff back. I swung my legs over to the side of the bed and I stretched my muscles, popping some joints.

My pants felt wet, my confusion only increased when droplets of moisture kept on dropping on the sides of my pants. I placed a hand on my face and I realized that I was, crying.

I wiped the tears from my eyes with my arm, sniffling a bit and I realized that my contact came off.

Got to go to the bathroom to replace my contacts.

I stood up and grabbed my bag. I just let my hand wander till it grabbed my other contacts case. My feet brought me to the bathroom and I grabbed the cold, silver door knob, twisting it. Approaching the large, oval mirror that was rimmed with gold trimmings, I saw someone else that wasn't me. Instead, I saw a boy with bloodshot eyes that didn't hold it's usual mirth that was sea-green in one side and brown in the other. He had bags under his eyes and his hair was frazzled. He had an aura of sadness that made you think he was blue.

I placed my hands on both sides of the counter. I shut my eyes, hoping that when I open my eyes, all of this would disappear. All the bad things, all the horror, all the trouble. Memories of my me and my family and friends flash in my head. But one memory was the most prominenent.


I was skipping through the playground at our school which was the best ever. The air and the sun were so good.

I stopped at the sound of someone crying. I look to the swings and I saw my little sister Mabel kneeling on her knees and crying. Why is she crying?

I run to her and I knelt down too.

"Mabel? Awe you okay?" I placed a hand on my little sister's shoulder. She turned her head and her eyes were puffy and red.

"Dippew? Those boys wewe mean to me. I asked if they want to be fwiends and they pushed me. Mommy's not hewe to pwotect us. Why wewe they so mean?" She had frown on her face which replaced her usual smile.

"They awe big fat jewks who didn't see that you awe the best fwiend someone could have. Even if Mommy's not hewe, I will pwotect you." I hugged her frame with my small lanky arms to comfort her like Mommy does.

"You pwomise? Even the fwiends we have in the futuwe?"

"I pwomise."

"Promise on the Styx?" She mispelled 'sticks' which was our usual promise because sticks are the best.

"I pwomise on the Styx that I will pwotect Mabel and the fwiends we will have in the futuwe." It brought a big smile on her face.



A tear falls from my eyes at that distant memory. Nobody else knows this but Mabel used to called me 'Big Brother' when we were younger because she always looked up to me. I promised that a long time ago when we were kids but I held it to my heart every time. A moment passed when I look back again at the mirror.

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