Part Ninety-Two

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Malias POV:

Dara came over to us and handed us each a bagel.

We all ate while waiting for our drinks to be made, that way we wouldn't make a mess in the car.

Anyways, we all got our beverages and walked out of the cafe.

It took probably an extra ten minutes because Kylie ordered matcha, and the barista had to make a new batch.

But we couldn't be mad, considering we were still very on time.

We had like an hour before he next interview was scheduled to start, so there was no stress.

Dara drove us back and we all pretty much split up there.

Dara went with Morgan and Josh, and I went to the bathroom.

I wasn't sure where Kylie scurried off to, but when I came back, she was gone.

I didn't think much of it, so I let my curiosity take over, and just walked through the warehouse.

I wanted to see the different setups, considering it was such a big building for a relatively small group.

I was about to walk past the room we had spent the last few interviews in, but I stopped when I heard hushed voices.

I walked a little bit closer towards the specific room, and was completely taken aback by what was going on inside.

There's the storm.

I took a step back, to make sure I could clearly see everyone inside.

Or at least try to.

The only people in the room were Kylie, Ruby and Peder, but I could have been wrong.

I was only really able to see a little bit into the room, considering I was watching through the cracked door.

This is a weird combination. Kylie and Ruby, I get. But Peder has never really even been one to hangout with Ruby, and we all know him and Kylie are a little tense.

Crazy lineup, might I add.

I didn't want to go inside completely, because they all looked pretty deep in conversation.

Instead, I stood at the doorway. Close enough to hear what was being said, far enough to not be seen.

Pretty ideal positioning if you ask me.

I was beginning to wonder where everyone else was, but I decided not to put too much thought into it.

We were super early, so it made sense.

They were probably all out by the snack table, considering there wasn't another interview for at least another half hour.

That's what we usually do. Eat.

Anyways, back on track, I tried my best to stay quiet as I heard Rubys voice.

"She's alright. You already know my opinion on her." She said, her tone more harsh than anything.

It was a gossipy tone.

I wondered who Ruby was talking about with such distaste.

The next voice I heard was Kylie's.

Her voice was a lot louder than Rubys, as she sounded fed up.

This must not be the first time.

"Guys, will you two just leave me alone? I choose Malia, and there's no changing that. Ganging up on me isn't the way to go. Nothing you say will make a difference."

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