Q&A Answers! EP.28

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I've posted the epilogue, so now I'll be answering your Q&A questions!

More people asked questions than I expected! As I promised last time, I'll answer them to the best of my ability!

(Note: Questions of the same type will be answered together!)

Q1: When will the side stories from the materials gathered in chapter 10 be released?

Hmm.... Side stories, you say? The side stories you're probably referring to are the relationship stories and the one where Sora dies, which I mentioned last time.

It's difficult to give a definite answer on that.

I could start writing them right now, but honestly, I'm wondering if readers would prefer I focus on the main story rather than side stories, so I'm still debating it....

So, if you really want to see them right now, please leave a comment! If enough people want them, I'll ditch the main story and write them immediately!

Of course, if you don't want them, please understand that these side stories will be pushed back a bit!

Q2: Will there ever be a time when the protagonist doesn't attempt suicide?

To put it bluntly: No.

Unless the protagonist's original world is destroyed, and she's are unaware of that fact, the day the protagonist stops attempting suicide will never come.

Q3: Will the protagonist get involved in other storylines (like the Eden Treaty)? (I'm curious about the future development.) (Will the story follow the original?)

The basic development will, as always, involve the protagonist attempting suicide and those around them being driven to despair.

And since there's an original story, she'll inevitably get entangled in it to some extent,

But for the most part, she won't get involved.

Unless it's a situation where the Abydos students are in danger. She's not the type of person who's kind enough to save complete strangers.

...Of course, if an opportunity to die arises, she'll jump in without hesitation....

She'll probably just snatch the most appealing parts, wouldn't she?

So, whether it will follow the original story or unfold a new narrative is uncertain. Haha.

Q4: What if the protagonist had enrolled in a different school?

Instead of discussing that now, it would be better to explore it in a side story, so I'll refrain from saying too much.

...But, I will give you one spoiler:

It definitely won't be a happy ending, hehe.

Q5: What if the protagonist was a huge fan of Blue Archive?

Hmm.... I suppose it would have turned into a story where, like the protagonists of other parodies, she will try to twist the original story and end up choosing death in secret.

Q6: Can I kidnap the author (gender-swapped)?


Eek!!! Run away!!

Q7: I'd like to know your first impression of Sora, your current impression, and your assessment (I'm curious about what the Abydos friends think of Sora and what feelings they have).

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