Chapter 4

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"Kylie, why do you keep going places without me?" I heard Addy asked behind me as I stood in front of my closet, picking out an outfit for tonight. I sighed and turned around, bending down to her height.

"Do you remember the guy who came up to Ashton, you and me?" I asked. She nodded, and I added, "Well, wherever I seem to go, he shows up. And I don't trust Michael near you, he's a bad boy." She looked up at me with her big blue eyes, sucking her thumb even though I've been trying for so long to get her to stop.

"Maybe that bad boy likes you." She said matter-of-factly. I shook my head, taking her hands.

"Boys like him are different, they like a lot of girls all the time, at the same time."

"I thought it was just one boy and one girl." She said, confused. I stood up and sighed again.

"That'd be nice, wouldn't it?" I turned around, looking at my clothes and crossed my arms. A closet full of clothes yet I never find anything to wear. Addy came around and picked up my kimono, handed it to me, and walked out. I laughed and put together an outfit with it, my loose white crop top, light washed ripped high waisted shorts, and my black vans. Addy came back in and gave me a thumbs up. I gave her one back and fist bumped her like that. All of a sudden, my dad comes in my room looking disapproved.

"Kylie, how many times have I said I don't like those shorts?"

"I dunno," I shrugged. "A lot?"

"Yeah, they're too ripped. And who was that boy who showed up at our house earlier?"

"Relax dad, he's my new friend, Luke Hemmings. He's new to town and hadn't made any friends, so Ashton, Brandy and I took him in."

"Hmm. I'm not so sure, I'll have to meet him. Where are you headed anyway?"

"To the fair down by the beach, any more questions? No? Good text me, bye I love you!" I yelled as I walked past him and to my car. I drove off before he could yell at me for 'giving him attitude' as he usually does. I drove to Luke's house to pick him up, and when he got in his mother came to my window.

"Thanks so much for taking my Pookie! I'm Liz, nice to meet you!" She greeted me with a big smile. I tried not to laugh at her nickname as Luke groaned. We talked for a few more minutes before Luke reached over and put the car in drive.

"Bye mom!" He said, and I drove off laughing.

"Yeah come on Pookie, we have a fair to go to." He just groaned and hid his face while I drove.


We finally got there and met up with Ashton and Brandy. Once we saw each other we squealed and hugged, and Ashton sighed, saying,

"Why do you guys do that every time you see each other?" Brandy threw her arm around me and said with a huge smile,

"It's our thing Ash, get over it." Right before Ashton was about to answer, his face lowered. I turned around to see what it was, and I saw Michael and Calum by the Skeeball machines with a group of skanks from another high school. I rolled my eyes and turned to the others.

"Come on, let's not let the asshats ruin our fun night. Let's go ride the Chair-o-Plane!" I said. We rode all the little kiddie rides because we're all dorks, the Chair-o-Plane, the Roundabout, and the Pirate Ship. It was a couple of screaming, cotton candy filled house before it started winding down.

"You guys let's ride the Ferris wheel!" Ashton said, mocking Brandy and I's excited voices. I pushed him and he laughed, and we all went forward to the ride. I hadn't seen Michael for a while, which was good. He was probably off sleeping with some slut somewhere. We paid our tickets and got in line. Ashley unexpectedly came out of nowhere, getting in line with us and telling us about how she was grounded from having the party but snuck out. Once it was finally our turn, everyone went in front of me and got in their chair, but the operator guy stopped me.

"Sorry kid, four people to a chair. Looks like you'll have to wait."
"Aww Kylie I'm sorry!" Ashley said apologetically. I shook my head and laughed, waving them off. The guy nodded behind me and said,

"You can ride with those guys though, enough room." I was terrified to turn around, and my nightmare came true.

Michael and Calum were behind me.

I turned back around and groaned. "No that's fine, I'll just not get on it's fine." The guy shook his head saying,

"No refunds kiddo, gotta get on." I threw my head back in frustration and sat down. Michael and Calum sat across from me, smirking. I just crossed my eyes and glared at them. What was it with him coming out of nowhere when I least wanted it? Michael looked amused.

"What, are you just gonna sit there glaring at us?" Calum asked sarcastically. I just groaned.

"Rather do that than talk to you guys." I said flatly. I looked off over the side of the chair, admiring all the pretty lights and the happy faces below me. I looked back at them, Calum on his phone and Michael staring at me. When I looked back he looked away quickly, as if ashamed of being caught looking at me.

"And what do you want, Clifford?" He looked uncomfortable at first, but then hid it with a rude comment.

"Just thinking about your new loser friend Luke and how I almost beat the shit out of him last night." I scoffed.

"You were a new kid, could've gave him a chance." Calum then looked up, interested in the topic of picking on Luke.

"Yeah, but Michael here is actually cool, plus he transferred from Australia, Luke came from Freakville." I shot Calum a look and he laughed. "Aw, what are you going to do Kylie? Slap me?" I considered for a second before saying,

"Yeah." And I reached over and slapped him when he least expected it. He looked surprised, then amused.

"How adorable, little girl thinks she can fight. You wouldn't last a second." He spat out. Michael just gave an agreeing look, and I just prayed for this ride to be over.

"Can this get any worse?" I mumbled to myself. Then the ferris wheel stopped moving, our chair at the top. "Wow, it can." I said.

"You know, it's bad luck not to kiss at the top of a ferris wheel." Calum said. I rolled my eyes and crossed my arms again, not moving a single muscle after that.

"Kiss your girlfriend Michael then." I said. Michael put on a mockingly hurt expression, and the ride started moving again. Finally, it was time for us to get off, and I rushed towards Ashton and everyone, pretending to brush off all the "Bad Boy germs." Michael still came over to me and looked at me a weird way, but when he got closer he got that stupid smug look.

"Left something behind, love." He gave me my phone and I snatched it from him. He winked and walked off with Calum.

"Eugh." I said disgusted.

"What the hell was that?" Luke asked.

"I was forced to ride with them after you guys' chair became full."

"Oh, sorry Kylie." Ashton said. "Come on, it's late, we should go anyway." I nodded and headed back, dropping Luke off. I was about to drive away when my phone vibrated. I checked it and it was a text, but the contact said 'Michael'. Shit, he must've put his number in my phone. I read the text and rolled my eyes, tossing it to the passenger seat.

Should've kissed me at the top. Bad luck to you now. - Michael.



Ooo now Michael has Kylie's number. I hope everyone's enjoying the fanfic so far! Leave comments on what you think will happen next!


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