Chapter 13 - The Party

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We got to the party, obviously a little late since there were so many people there. We got out of the car and I saw Michael's motorcycle, and my stomach immediately starting turning in knots.

"What are you nervous for? Come on let's go." Brandy said looking at me. She could always tell what I'm feeling. Ashton wrapped his arm around my shoulders for comfort as he so normally does, and we all headed inside. Missing You by All Time Low was playing in the background, and I loosened up at the happy tune. I walked in and Brandy replaced Ashton, and a lot of people looked at us. We made our way to the backyard and I spotted Michael, and I swear my heart skipped a beat. He hadn't seen me yet, he was laughing and drinking beer with Calum. I decided to go and surprise him, so I weaved my way through the crowd and walked to where he was standing. When I got there however, he wasn't standing there, and I got confused. Calum was still there, and he was just looking at me.

"Damn." He said. I blushed and replied,

"Cute dress, huh?" I said, and twirled around. He nodded and gave me a thumbs up. "Where's Michael?" I asked.

"Dunno, he was here a second ago." He replied. I was a little disappointed. Was he ignoring me? I shrugged and thanked him anyway, and got back to my friends.

"Find Michael?" Ashton asked. I shook my head. "Ah, fuck him. We know how to have a good time, let's do this." He said, and we all started dancing to the music with everyone else. Ashley came over at some point and joined us.

"Hey Ashley, nice party. Don't get caught this time." Luke said, and she laughed.

"I don't even know how that happened, they came home a day early, otherwise I would've had the place the cleanest it's ever been." We all laughed and continued. "You guys like the DJ? Hired a new one, the old one was god awful, playing shit songs." Brandy shrugged.

"Some of them were good, but yeah this one's a lot better. Nice pick." All of a sudden, For Baltimore by All Time Low started playing, and the DJ started to talk.

"Alright alright, this song as been requested by- don't say your name? Why- okay well this song has been specially requested so, have fun." We laughed at him and started dancing again.

"I'm gonna go get us some drinks." I said, and walked off towards the bar near the pool. Suddenly, I felt a pair of hands on my waist and was pulled close to someone.

"Well where have you been?" I heard Michael say. I smiled and turned around, facing him. "You look amazing in that dress Ky." He wrapped his arms around my waist and pulled me into him, my arms going around his neck.

"Why this song?" I asked, happy to see him.

"Purely for the line, 'why can't Thursday last forever?' Since you know, we first kissed Thursday night and such." I blushed, he was so cute.

"How adorable." I said. He started singing along, and looked directly at me when he sang,

"Shut up and kiss me now." I smiled again and stood up on my tip toes, and kissed him. God it felt good, especially since I thought he was ignoring me.

"And speaking of being places, I haven't heard from you in a bit, where've you been?" I asked. He just looked at me.


"About what?"

"You." He said, and then pulled away and walked off. I got so confused but I just stood there. The song Endlessly by The Cab that was just playing softened, and the speakers crackled as if someone was turning on a mic.

"Um, okay well I've never done this before and this isn't my party, by the way, this is a smashing party Ashley thanks." I heard a guy with an Australian accent say. I whipped around and faced the DJ station, and saw Michael standing up on a table with a mic in his hand. "The fuck you looking at dickhead?" He said menacingly at some guy, and I laughed when the guy backed down.

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