Chapter 22 - Part Two

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We finally got there, and I sat back down on the same bench I was earlier. I looked all over where I was sitting, but found nothing. Addy came over and asked me to play with her on the playground, so I left Ashton on the bench. We swung on the swings, went on the monkey bars, and all those fun things. I went with Addy on the big slide, her on my lap. Halfway through the slide I saw a white square taped horribly to the roof of the slide, and I used my feet to stop us, but that only caused Addy to shoot off my lap, still going down the slide. I reached up and grabbed it, opening it and reading it.

Hi, if you're someone other than Kylie Matthews, can you please put this back where you found it? Thank you. If you are Kylie Matthews, happy finding, I'm sure a bunch of snotty kids found it before you did. Hopefully the tape doesn't get wrapped around your finger.

I slid down the rest of the slide, seeing Addy standing there with her arms crossed.

"You ditched me." She said, then climbed back up the ladder to go down again. Ashton came over when he saw me with the note and took it, reading it.

"That's the title of the song he wrote you." He said, handing the note back.

"Wait what?"

"The song he sang at your birthday? He named it 'Wrapped Around Your Finger.' We should go to Brandy's." I sent her a text letting her know we were coming over, when she responded with a thumbs-up. We drove over, and I walked back to her backyard. She met up with us, when Luke stumbled out of the back door, buttoning his pants panicked. I noticed her shirt was backwards, and I nodded to it. She looked down, and Brandy's face turned red.

"Um, so what's up Kylie?" She asked, trying not to laugh as I started to.

"Michael's sending me on some scavenger hunt, and the next clue is here, since he sang his song here and all." I said, and Brandy looked over to the place where the put-together stage was.

"I mean there's nothing over there but you can go look. How long will you be?" She asked, still a bit red. I held up two fingers, meaning two minutes. I walked over to the part of her backyard and started looking around. There were bushes and a birdbath, but no note. Addy started poking Luke, and he started chasing her. They ran over to where I was, Addy tripping and knocking over the birdbath.

"Shit, Addy you okay?" Luke asked, helping her up and brushing her off.

"I'm okay." She said, wiping her hands on her shirt.

"Luke, be careful with my sister, thanks." I said, and looked back at the birdbath. Sure enough, there was a note taped under the bowl, the part that connects to the stand of the entire thing. "Course it's there." I mumbled to myself, grabbing it and opening it.

You're going to have to slow down a bit, you're like that kid from The Incredibles with super speed, I've barely got enough time to put these in place. Anyway, you found me. I'm sending you all over town today, aren't I? You're going to have to go back to the movie theaters, or the arcade rather. Next clue's there.

I groaned, I suck at arcade games.


"There's so many damn games, how do I know which one to chose?" I said once Ashton, Addy and I got there. Ashton left and went to talk to an employee, even though that was cheating.

"Okay, they said a guy with red hair came in and played a lot of games over on the Pac Man machine." He said, and we went over and played. I almost won, if it weren't for that stupid pink ghost. I didn't beat any scores, but the ones already saved were quite interesting.

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"Took me a bit to get here, booty is at pier." I read. Addy groaned, sitting down.

"Kylie my legs are tired." She said, and I laughed.

"Yours and mine both kiddo, have Ashton give you a piggyback ride for the rest of this." I said, and he gave me a look, causing me to laugh again. He carried her to the car, and to the pier once we got to the beach. I went underneath the pier, expecting it to be there since it was so private, but there was nothing. Then I remembered the 'booty' part of the clue, and thought back to the time Addy, Michael and I played her pirates game.

"Makes sense." I muttered, and made my way to the edge at the pier and looked over it, into the water. I got confused, so I sat down, my feet almost touching the water. I swung them back and forth, looking at the water. Suddenly I felt a sharp pain in my calf, and I looked down to see a small slice.

"Is that a paper cut?" I asked myself, then felt along the edge of the pier. My hands ran over a small piece of paper, and I rolled my eyes. I grabbed it and held it in the air, so Addy and Ashton could see and they'd come over. I waited until they sat down for me to open it.

Almost at the end, promise. I'll start making it easier on you, for Addy's leg's sake. Go to the crosswalk where we spoke last, and give the sign a good, strong high five.

"This is a dangerous scavenger hunt." I said before getting up, and Ashton laughed.

"Why, because little Kylie got a paper cut?" He asked, and I pushed him, almost causing him to fall in the water. We started walking, and I got to the sign after waiting for a clearing in the cars. I slapped the thin, metal sign, and paper fluttered to the ground. I smiled to myself, and picked it up.

Seriously, almost over. You've got one more spot. But come alone, to the spot that means most to you at this time of night. I turned to them, giving them a group hug.

"Thanks for the help guys, but I think it's time for me to, well I guess go home. Addy, I don't think you have beaten Ashton at Mario Kart yet, maybe now will be your chance." I said, and she giggled and poked Ashton.

"I'll beat you, come on let's go home." She said, and started waiting at the crosswalk with us.

'You'll be okay?" He asked, looking at me. I nodded and took a deep breathe, and finally we crossed the street. We got back in the car, when I remembered it wasn't home that meant most to me at night.

"Um, you guys go ahead, I think I'll walk home, I left a uh, a bracelet at the pier." I said, giving Ashton a look. He nodded, and drove off. I turned and looked at the pier, started walking towards it. There wasn't anyone on it, so I went under.

And there he was.



Ayyee guys! Unfortunately this fanfic is almost over, but I hope you guys liked the fanfic as much as I did writing it :) 

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