Chapter 18

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The rest of the week, I hadn't hung out with Michael. He wasn't ignoring me and I wasn't ignoring him, I just decided to hangout with my friends. Luke, Ashton, Brandy and I all gathered together at the beach. Ashley would've been here, but she's at home getting ready for the big party. Apparently, she knows someone who can get her a few kegs, so tonight will be a bit more interesting than the others.

"I bet you he'll propose." Brandy said.

"Who?" Luke asked, and she looked at me.

"Michael, little shit's always got something for show." I laughed and stretched out my legs, kicking her. Ashton looked off to the water, looking nervous.

"Hey, what's up?" I asked, shaking him a bit.

"Nothing, I'm nervous to see what Ashley will say. I've picked up the bouquet and everything, I just want her to say yes." He said, and we all couldn't help but laugh.

"Sounds like Ashton here is the one proposing tonight." Luke said, and Ashton scoffed and smiled. "When's the party anyway?"

"8:30, as usual it's going to be outside and she liked the christmas lights idea we did at Brandy's so she's going to do that." Brandy flipped her hair with a cheesy smile, saying in a stereotypical Valley girl voice,

"I just love my admirers," causing us to laugh again. I love my friends, we always have a good time, they're like family to me.

"Well, you've gotta look good, Ash. What are you wearing?" This time he sat back and looked smug.

"Grey v-neck, leather jacket, black skinnies, black boots and my black wide brimmed hat." We nodded in approval, and Brandy said,

"Skinnies? Nice one. Bet you'll look great, Kylie what about you?"

"Casual, really. White tank top, red flannel, black ripped skinny jeans and my Doc Marten's. With, of course, the necklace you bought me for my birthday." I said, taking it out from underneath my shirt and displaying it.

"You guys are going to look great, I'm just wearing my dark red t-shirt, black jeans and my vans." Luke said.

"What the hell, are you guys the Black Skinny Jeans group? I'm wearing my grey tank top, white and grey flannel, black vans and regular jean shorts."

"Yes, we are the Black Skinny Jeans group and you aren't apart of it." Ashton said laughing, and she reached over and pushed him into the sand.

"Damn, seemed like a great group." She said sarcastically. We hung out and talked for a bit more, then left to head home and get ready. Ashton came and picked me up, and I saw the flowers in the back.

"Aww, are you going to wait to give them to her? Or just bring them in with you?" I asked.

"No," he said, shaking his head. "No I'm going to leave them in the car for a bit, wait til the moment's right."
"You nervous?"


"Yes you are, Ash you're driving white-knuckled." He looked down and sighed, obviously nervous. "Aww, my Ashton's growing up." I said, mocking him from last week when I went home with Michael. He swerved the wheel so I hit my head slightly on the window, and I covered his eyes as he drove. We took turns doing that until we got there, almost running into the telephone pole.

"Still nervous?" I asked laughing, rubbing my head.

"Not as much, but hey we're here so let's do this." We got out of the car and linked arms, walking around back to the backyard. I saw Brandy and as usual, we ran together, hugging and squealing until Luke came behind me and pulled me apart, shushing me.

"Now now, no need for that." He said, and I licked his hand. He jerked it away and groaned, rubbing his hand on Ashton. I couldn't help but look around for Michael, but I didn't see him anywhere. For once, people were swimming in Ashley's pool, playing a game of volleyball in the water. I saw Ashley and motioned her over.

"Seems like this is going to be a good party. Have you seen Michael?" I asked, and she shook her head. "Oh. Well I heard you got kegs this time, let's go check it out." I said, and we all started to walk towards one of them, Ashton nervously following.

"Is he okay?" Luke whispered to me.

"Nervous as hell, he'll be fine." I whispered back. We got to the keg, and Luke picked me up and held me upside down while I drank, a classic keg trick. He put me down and I coughed, the alcohol burning my throat a bit. Ashton did the same for Brandy, and then Luke and Ashton looked at each other. In one swift move, Luke had Ashton upside down, Ashton drinking.

"You need it more than I do right now man." He said, laughing.

"Why's that?" Ashley asked, and Ashton's eyes widened.

"Um, um nothing." He said. Brandy and I laughed, walking off. We sat around the pool, talking for a bit.

"Where is Michael?" I asked, looking around. 

"Probably off drinking with Calum somewhere, I don't know. You worry too much."

"Yeah I know. How are you and Luke?"

"We're good, actually. I thought you know it'd be weird because we were friends first but, I guess that makes a relationship better huh."

"You're just know figuring that out? Loser." I said, and she scoffed.

"I'm surprised you and Ashton never dated." She said, looking at Ashton.

"Me and Ash? No way, he's like a brother to me."

"That's what they all say my friend, that's what they all say." We laughed, and some kid came up to me.

"Hey, I think I saw Michael upstairs inside of Ashley's, he might be looking for you." He said, and walked off. Brandy and I shared a look, and got up and walked towards Ashton and Luke.

"Well where are you two going?" Luke asked, standing in front of the door to go inside.

"Upstairs, some kid just told us Michael is waiting for her and I am not going to miss whatever this is." Brandy said, and Luke and Ashton then looked at each other. Luke opened the door and held it open.

"Ladies." He said all proper, and we walked in and up the stairs. I already was smiling, Michael had a way of surprising me.

"I'm gonna hang back, and um, talk with Ashley for a bit." Ashton said, going back outside.

"Well isn't this an exciting night for everyone then." Brandy said, laughing. All the doors upstairs were open, except for one down the hall.

"That must be it." Luke said. I nodded, and walked up to the door. I opened it, and I saw Michael with one hand against the wall, his back to the door. I didn't say anything, I just walked closer, and noticed his head was moving rhythmically, and as I got closer I saw that he was making out with a girl.

"Um, Michael?" I said, and he whipped around, seeing me and his eyes widened. I looked to the left of him, and who did I see?

I saw Sarah, the same girl from the carnival on Michael and I's first date.



Hii! Sorry for not updating for a bit, I just started high school this year and have been a little busy, but don't fret I am still writing! And ooh that bitch Sarah is back, way to go Michael, way to go. 

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