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It's been a year since I went on Michael's little scavenger hunt, and a year since then he and I have been together. It's been one of the best years ever. He's helped me become more confident, he takes me to concerts, surprises me on my birthday and Christmas. Sometimes he'll even give me little private concerts, jamming out with Ashton and performing all my favorite songs. He makes sure that I'm his too, sometimes if we were walking around in the hallways and a guy would look at me, he'd become all scary and "bad boy" like. When out on a date or something and I'd catch someone's attention, he'd pull me close and start kissing me. We take turns sleeping over each other's houses over the weekends, we each have several pieces of clothes at each other's houses. He and Addy get along so well it's almost scary. They'll prank me if I fall asleep too early, we play all these games at the beach and on Mario Kart. He gets along with Ashton and Brandy well too, which is good because it would be tense if they didn't. Luke and Brandy are still going strong, and Ashley is starting to warm up to Ashton after long waiting. Calum likes to hangout with all of us too, since he and Michael are still the two town "bad boys." It's all a disguise, Michael is the biggest dork I know. For instance, he's obsessed with Pokemon, he's a total foodie, and he spazzes out, a lot. I was laying in bed, looking at the first ever selfie we ever took with each other, and I remember how hesitant I was to let him in my life. He asked for just one chance, and that's all I gave him.

Just a chance.

And it was worth it.

Just a Chance - A Michael Clifford FanficWhere stories live. Discover now