Chapter 19

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It's only been a day, but Michael has already stopped texting me. I was both relieved and a bit sad, as he has been trying so hard to contact me. I decided to show it didn't bother me, that breaking up with him had been the better thing. Really? It was tearing me up inside, I missed his smell and the way he would always hold me tight after falling asleep with me. I miss, well, the memories. I was sitting on my bed, and I took out my phone and opened my camera roll. There held all the pictures of us, all the videos. I found the one of him jumping around singing to My Chemical Romance, and couldn't help but smile. He looked at the camera, and came over and tickled me, we were both laughing and then the video stopped. I found the video of the song he wrote me, and almost cried at it. I found the kissy and funny selfies we took, and I laid down on my bed, letting my phone drop to the floor. Just then, Ashton came into my room, not barging in like usual, but quietly.

"How you doing?" He said, almost in a whisper even though it was 2:00 in the afternoon. Only he knew how much I was hurting, Luke and Brandy just leave it and think I'm better off without him. Ashton sat on the foot of my bed, and saw my phone on the ground. "Oh, looking at old pictures huh?" He asked, and I just nodded. He scrolled through some, then locked my phone.

"So, did you end up asking Ashley out?" I asked, distracting myself.

"Well, I gave her the flowers and was about to ask her, until I heard you." He said, and I sighed.

"I'm sorry, I didn't want to take away from your big night." He shook his head and looked at me.

"You didn't. Michael did. What a shithead he is, you're the best girl he could have and he chose that skank Sarah." He spat out, and I giggled. "What?"

"Nothing, the word skank has always been funny to me." I said, smiling a bit.

"It's true though. Michael doesn't deserve you, at all. Him and his stupid red hair, looks like a drop out." I giggled again, and Ashton started laughing to himself. I only laughed harder after that, Ashton just has one of those contagious laughs. "See? That's better, smiles no frowns." He said, still laughing a bit. I got up, and went into my closet, closing the door and getting dressed. I came back out and Ashton looked confused.

"No use of sitting around on a nice day, let's go to the beach." I said, looking at him. He smiled and got up, and I followed him out of my room. I told Addy to call our dad and for her to tell him to get home since I didn't want to watch her for once.

"What if he says he has too much work?" She asked, and I gave her a piece of paper.

"If he says he has too much work, read that to him and say it was from me. Okay?" I said, and she read it, her eyes widening. I walked out with Ashton and to his car, getting in.

"What was on the paper?" He asked curiously. I chuckled to myself, rereading it in my head.

"Nothing, just me yelling at him." I laughed, and Ashton looked sarcastically worried. We stopped at his house so he could get his suit, and I went into his room with him. It's been forever since I was over his house, he's usually at mine. His room, unlike mine, was on the first floor, and he had big windows and a brick wall and everything, his room was so cool. He went into his bathroom and I walked over to his closet, my hand running over all the familiar shirts I've seen. In the back of his closet, I saw a surfboard and I took it out. Ashton came back and saw me looking at it.

"Oh, you found it huh?" He asked, laughing at the old thing.

"Ash I have no recollection of you surfing, when did you?" I said, looking at the board in awe. It looked brand new, like he barely used it.

"When I was younger, like when we were the same size. I was bored and was at the beach, and I wanted to try so mom got me a board."

"Wow, same size huh? That was forever ago." I said, looking up at him. He was easily a foot taller than me, and he turned and used my head as an armrest.

"Wonder where Kylie went, oh my god it's a floating surfboard!" He yelled, and I laughed and moved from underneath him. I turned and looking at him, my smile growing wider.

"Do you have anymore of these?"

"Um, yeah I think there's another on the other side, why?" I reached back and got the other, then took my phone out and texted Luke and Brandy. "What are you planning Kylie Matthews?" I looked at him and smirked, leaving his room.

"A good day."


We got to the beach and the others were already there.

"What's this about, Kylie? Some adventure?" Brandy asked, trying to sound unamused but I could see the smile on her face. I showed her the surfboards Ashton was carrying, and she ran over and looked at them. "Kylie, we have no idea what we're doing." She said, looking at me with a straight face. I took a board and handed it to her, taking the other from Ashton and said to her before I went to the water,

"Exactly, which will make this more fun." She and the others ran after me into the water, and I laid out on the board, using my hands to guide me in the water. Far enough out, I straddled the board, Brandy beside me. Luke and Ashton were waving from the shallow part of the beach, and we waved back.

"So, how you feeling?" She asked, eyeing me suspiciously.

"I'm alright, I mean, yeah it sucks but, nothing that can't be fixed."

"Uhuh, is this the origin of your sudden surfing passion?" She asked, laughing a bit. I was about to answer, when I saw a big wave forming.

"Can't talk, surfs up bro." I said in a stereotypical surfer guy voice with the hand sign, causing us to laugh. We turned and started paddling along with the wave and caught it. I glided along with it, but since I have no upper body strength, when I tried to push myself up like in the movies and how I see other surfers do it, I fell off the board and tumbled with the water. Brandy did the same, and we came back up laughing. The guys were laughing and 'cheering' us on, and Brandy and I high fived. We swam back to the guys with our boards, and handed them over.

"Come on guys, show me what you can do." Brandy said, and they shrugged and headed out. We sat in the water, watching them. They caught a wave, and Ashton surprisingly stood up for a bit on his board before he fell off. Luke didn't stand a chance, he fell off immediately like Brandy and I. Brandy and I cheered as they came back, and Ashton was laughing.

"What's so funny?" Brandy asked.

"Luke's one of those guys who looks like he can surf but he cannot." He said, laughing. I punched his arm playfully, and he pushed me into the water.

"You're no better Ash, you can't surf either." I said. Luke picked me up and put me on his shoulders.

"How about a good game of Chicken huh?" He said, and Brandy got on Ashton's shoulders. We all counted down from three, and we wrestled while the guy's held our legs. We kept turning a lot, and at one point Brandy's back was to the shore while I was facing it. I looked to the side briefly because I had saw someone, someone with red hair. Sure enough, it was Michael. He was with Calum, and a bunch of girls were surrounding them. Michael was looking at me, with a visible frown on his face. He had sunglasses on, probably to hide his black eye, although the cuts on his face still looked new. I touched my lip, and it still hurt. I missed the way his lips felt against mine, I missed the way I fit into his arms. Michael swung his arm around one of the girls, and he, Calum, and all the girls left suddenly. My heart ached, he seemed like he moved on so fast. No wonder he wasn't texting me anymore. Brandy turned me towards her, getting off Ashton and pulling me off Luke.

"He's a dick Kylie, don't pay any attention to him. He's not worth it."

It doesn't matter. That wasn't Michael, he wasn't such a dick. Then again, I've been wrong before.

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