Chapter 7

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I stood in front of my closet, pacing back and forth. I had no idea what I was going to wear, I didn't even know if this was a date. All he said was to meet him, and I hadn't heard anything after that one text. Usually I find comfort having Addy around while I get ready, but because Michael is so stubborn and asked to meet later, she's asleep. I couldn't text Luke, I didn't tell him I was meeting Michael, given the fact they have the most conflict. I groaned and fell backwards onto my bed, trying not to be too loud. I took my phone out and called Ashton. He picked up on the second ring, greeting me with his usual cheery hello.

"I'm not going." I said flatly.

"Why? Are you okay?" He asked, rather concerned.

"I can't find anything to wear. I'm not going. Looks like he'll be stood up." Ashton laughed, and I didn't know whether to try and stay quiet or laugh, because how can you not laugh when Ash does?

"Kylie, you sound like the Grinch. Find something to wear, and see what the hell Michael wants. I'll pick you up and drive you. Text me when you're ready."

"Ash wait-" He hung up before I could finish. That bastard. I laughed to myself mentally. I got back up and just put on the first thing I could think of; my black skater skirt, floral crop top, grey cardigan, and my vans. I texted Ashton, and went outside and sat on the front steps. After a few moments, Ashton drove by and I got in.

"So I see you found something to wear." He said, starting to drive away.

"Why is it that I already want this night to be over? I mean, Michael has been a dick to people since day one, why does he want to see me?"

"Just get in, and get out," Ashton said orderly. "I'm not very happy with this and I know for a fact Luke wouldn't really appreciate you hanging out with the guy who has given him hell since his day one." I nodded, as I already knew all of this. "I'm going to hang around after I drop you off, in case you want to leave early." Before I knew it, we were at the carnival, and I could feel my stomach turning in knots. I put my game face on, and hugged Ashton before I got out. I started walking to the ferris wheel, and I immediately saw Michael. I don't know why I was so nervous, but I walked confidently towards him and didn't break eye contact. When I came close, I swore I saw him smile a little bit.

"You're looking good, Ky. Glad you came." He said smugly. I stood there, not taking my eyes away from his.

"What do you want Michael?" I said rather cross. He looked hurt, and this time didn't change his expression, I admit it threw me off my guard a little.

"Look, I know we've had our... Differences, but I was actually hoping you'd hangout. With me. Here?" He asked. I was surprised.

"Is bad boy Michael Clifford asking me on a date?" I asked. He did kind of a half nod, and I couldn't believe it. "I don't know who you think you are, you come to this town, you pick on innocent people, one of which is my friend Luke, and now you think you can just ask me out on a date?" I said. He looked uncomfortable, and I felt bad for being a little rude, but I didn't break my gaze.

"Okay, okay I get it. I shouldn't have asked. I get it." He spat out. "I've got feelings though, Kylie." I was taken aback a little, and now I really felt bad. He's always called me Ky, a stupid nickname, never my full name.

"Sorry I, I just didn't think you were serious." I said.

"It's whatever." He got on a different face, one I haven't seen before. He looked like a little kid almost who just got a new toy. "So, how about this. We go over there to the Skeeball machines, and compete. If I win, you hangout with me the full night this place is open. If you win, I'll never bother you or your friends again." I stopped for a minute, and sarcastically tapped my chin as if I was thinking. He looked a little amused, and I nodded.

"Alright Clifford, I'll take your offer. Be prepared to lose though, I am quite competitive." He laughed and put his hand on the small of my back, guiding me to the Skeeballs. I stopped and looked at him. "Mind you Michael, not the time. Hands off. Who are you?" I joked.  He put his hands up in surrender.

"Someone you have yet to meet."

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