Chapter 9

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I was walking around the next day with Luke, and I could tell he was not happy with me.

"Okay okay, so, you and Michael Clifford, the guy who started giving me shit since I first got here, went on a date? And now you're going on another? What the hell Kylie!" He said. I shot him a look and tried to figure out how to let him see that Michael isn't who he says he is.

"I know you're not happy with it, believe me I was hesitant to give him another try. But you should have seen him when I first agreed to hang out with him, he smiled a genuine smile, not one of his smug smirks." Luke shook his head, still disagreeing with the whole thing.

"I don't trust him. If anything is to happen, I want you to text me." I just laughed even though he was serious.

"Okay dad." I said giggling. I pushed him lightly as he almost bumped into another person, and he couldn't help but laugh too. We stopped inside a little bakery, and we split a piece of key lime pie. I sat there trying to figure out what to do with Michael, whether I wanted to be serious about the whole second shot thing or have it be a joke, I asked Luke and he thought for a second.

"You don't typically hang out with someone unless they're okay with Addy, right?" I nodded.

"Yeah, take you for example, she loves her Pookie." I said with a mouthful of pie while he chuckled softly.

"So, have him hang out with you and Addy. See how she likes him, like a, wingwoman I guess?" I laughed at the thought, but then considered it. I sent Michael and Calum away like nobody's business when I was with Addy, but that was back when Michael was still being an ass. After some talking and just general hanging out, Luke and I paid for the pie and left. We walked around a bit more, and then we got in his car so I could go home. Before I got out though, Luke grabbed my wrist and looked at me, as if he needed to ask me something.

"What's up?" I said, halfway out the car already.

"Look, I've been meaning to ask you for a while now and I'm not very good at this, but I've been kind of meaning to tell you that I like Brandy. And I was planning on asking her out but since you're her best friend I wanted an opinion." He looked so hopeful, and I couldn't bare the excitement for him. I got out of the car and stuck my head in through the window, smirking at him.

"Do it." I said, and without another word I turned and walked inside. I looked out the window and saw Luke fist bump the air before he drove off, and I laughed at what a dork he is. I went upstairs and saw Addy in my room, watching my tv.

"Hey Addy, what are you watching?" I asked, sitting next to her on the bed.

"Spongebob," is all she replied. "Wanna watch?" I muted the tv and turned to her.

"Actually, I have to ask you something. You remember that bad boy Michael? With the red hair?" I asked. She nodded, so I continued. "He has asked me to hang out with him, but I don't want to be alone. Want to come with us?" She tapped her chin as she thought, and then she said a triumphant yes, happy to be back in the loop with my friends again. I checked the time on my phone, and it was only 1:00 in the afternoon. I texted Michael, and told Addy to get ready for the beach.

Hey, giving you your chance today. Meet me at the beach in 15 minutes. I didn't hear anything back, but I assumed he got it. Addy came back, decked out in her pink Barbie sunglasses and big sun hat.

"Can I bring the sand toys? I didn't get to last time." She fake pouted. I nodded, and after we were all ready we headed to my car.

"Kylie, can I sit in the front? Mom or dad never lets me it's no fair." I considered this for a minute. She was only 5 but, a car ride to the beach is only 5 minutes. I knelt down to her and and held a finger to my lips, another to her lips with my other hand.

"It's our secret." I whispered. She smiled and started to squeal, but the hushed herself with her own little finger to her lips. Finally, we left and headed for the beach, officially late to meet Michael.


Once we got there, I sat in the car with Addy, telling her what to do.

"Okay, so Michael doesn't know you're here. You see him over there?" I asked, and I pointed to him, picking him out easily with his hair. She nodded. "Okay, so once you see us sit down, you're going to run down there to us with all your buckets and sand toys, a nice surprise, okay?" She nodded again and I got out, poking my arm through the window and giving her a thumbs up. She gave me one back, and we did a fist bump like that, as our new 'handshake.' I left and started walking towards Michael, putting my sunglasses on and walking to him with my arms crossed. He looked at me and instantly smiled.

"I was beginning to think you stood me up." He said, and I laughed.

"Nope, here I am. Come on let's sit." I said, trying not to laugh again. He looked confused for a minute, then sat down next to me. Any second now, Addy would be running towards us. Soon enough, I heard her little feet stomping on the sand and all her plastic toys colliding.

"What the fu-" Michael started when Addy came over and sat down right next to us.

"Michael, this my little sister Adeline. Addy, this is Michael." She crossed her arms and took off her sunglasses, trying to be tough.

"You're the bad boy with the red hair." Michael looked at me, obviously a little nervous.

"Um, yeah, I guess so?" He said. I just sat back and saw how everything went. "Kylie, you didn't tell me your little sister would be here." I smirked at him, laughing mentally of how nervous he got over a 5 year old.

"This is your second shot, Clifford. I'm seeing how well you and Addy get along." He nodded and looked back at Addy, who was still looking at him with her arms crossed.

"Well, Adeline, what would you like to do?" He asked, slowly getting over his nervousness and putting on his usual smug look.

"I want to play pirates. You can be the mean pirate with the treasure, and Kylie and I can be the pirates trying to take it away from you." He laughed softly, and I felt butterflies as he laughed. I don't know what it was about him, but something about that laugh, it just seemed so... Real. We stood up and took our little plastic swords from Addy, and began playing.

This is going to be interesting. I thought to myself, and one look at Michael told me he thought the same thing.

"Arg! X marks the spot, but there's already a pirate here!" Addy yelled. I looked at Michael, and he was trying not to laugh.

Well, here goes. I thought.




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