Chapter 27

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*Le Mans, France*

"With all the years between us...I know your heart, you know I'd never lie. Let other people judge us with all their own know with me you never need to hide...we'll never be those wide-eyed kids who fell in love then...we'll never fit inside those narrow lines again...we could pretend, we could pretend...that never suited us somehow..."

Arianne and Christophe lay together in the meadows of Carisbrooke Castle where the English court was holidaying for the summer. War was raging on the mainland but it was seen as a quick ordeal that would be over when summer ended.

Christophe would never have been allowed to enter a war-torn country otherwise.

They lay together - they were both reading, but he had stopped to sing to her and Arianne smiled at him, sitting up to face him.

"When this is all over..." He sat up and took her hand. "Will you come home to France?"

"Of course!" She replied, enthusiasm in her voice to return to her motherland. "I go where you go."

"To Paris?"

"Forever..." They leaned, his hand coming to her face as their lips brushed but someone called Christophe.

Pulling away, they blushed to see the Queen of England, Henrietta Maria approaching them with her ladies and children. "My dear nephew..." She called again as Christophe stood up, pulling Arianne up with him, offering her his arm as they made their way back to Carisbrooke Castle for Christophe's leaving meal.

Tomorrow, he would be on a ship back to France and their kiss in the night would be their last.

For they would never see each other again for a long time.


Arianne's eyes shot open. Looking up, she saw a wooden roof, and hay bales all around.

A barn.

She was in a barn.

Sitting up suddenly, her breathing was heavy as she remained alert. She was still dressed in the same clothes but her satchel was missing - as was her hidden dagger.

How did she get here?

Her mind replayed the attack at the Treville home but she had no idea where she was or who had attacked her, only that they knew who she was.

We've been looking for you Arianne d'Artagnan.

This was bad.

Her hands were tied with chains but Arianne climbed off the bale she was asleep on and looked around for anything or anyone who could help her.

The doors to the barn suddenly opened and Arianne leapt backwards as several entered, wearing English colours.

The English Emissary, Petit, stepped between, putting himself at the front of his guards as he faced her.

She had been found.

"Good morning..." Petit said, his hands clasped before him. "Sleep well? My men did a number on you."

"Where am I?" She asked, refusing to answer any of his questions. "Am I still in France?"

"Not for long..." Petit replied. "You see, transportation is being arranged for us to get back to England."

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