Chapter 5

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A stray dog whined. Birds cawed.

And two people wandered through the deserted streets, cloaked and hooded, travelling towards the old musketeers' garrison, avoiding the few people who were ready for the day so early in the morning, on a mission to avoid detection as if they were on their way to steal the Crown Jewels.

Crossing the bridge, they arrived and once they were safely within the remnants of the garrison, they headed towards the old training arena and they removed their hoods and cloaks.

Treville's reputation as the disgraced musketeer would have the Red Guards of the Palace at the garrison faster than he could run if anyone had caught sight of him, especially now that he was so close to the royal palace. But his home was too small to train and he wanted to see the extent of Arianne's skills, so what better place than his old training grounds?

The sun streamed into the arena as a cockerel was heard in the distance and Arianne and Treville faced each other.

"Are you sure about this?" Arianne questioned as Treville did a once-over of the garrison, making sure no one was around.

"This place is abandoned. There isn't and there shouldn't be anyone around..." Treville stated as he faced her. "It's also very early."

"I'm just concerned..." Arianne mumbled. "We're pretty close to the royal palace and your reputation..."

Treville smiled. "We'll be fine." He removed his sword, swinging it in his hands as Arianne clutched hers tight - she had never fought a musketeer before and was beginning to regret ever agreeing to this training session.

Her skills with the sword came from years of watching the civil war raging in Britannia, but she had never had to find a skilled swordsman, only drunkards and thieves. She saw the Cavaliers and the Roundheads tear each other apart for control of a country and it angered her that women and children were the victims of man's war - always. It was the slaughter of the women and the children by the Roundheads and Cavaliers alike that led her to pick up a sword and defend her honour. She didn't need this - the training with Treville. When she had trained with him back at the house that one night, nothing had been said the following morning or in the days afterwards so Arianne was surprised when he appeared at the bedroom door and whispered for her to get ready and follow him. He had said nothing the entire walk, but now that they were here, in the abandoned garrison training grounds, she knew why.

"Are you ready?" Treville asked as Arianne swallowed the lump in her throat. He spun his sword in his hands and she nodded, holding her own blade out. Sweat had formed on her hands and Treville took note. He needed her to be nervous - it was the only way she was going to fight like a musketeer.

"En garde..." He called their swords on guard, vertically in front of their faces.


And the blades clashed together. With one hand behind his back, Treville shifted his weight between his legs and his fighting arm as Arianne deflected each blow to her blade, using two hands on her hilt. Treville passed backwards and forwards as Arianne struggled to keep up with his speed. He lunged for the left of her and the right, and she deflected each blow, as he retreated and Arianne advanced.

But she was tired and it was taking a lot for her to keep her focus. No battle she had found herself in had lasted this long and Treville was older but was willing to take the mini-duel all the way.

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