Chapter 3

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A cockerel stretched its lungs as the sun rose over Paris.

Arianne awoke and yawned, stretching in bed as she stared at the ceiling for a while, as Emma stirred next to her.

"Good morning..." Arianne said as she nudged her gently and Emma groaned.

"Let me sleep..." She moaned and Arianne giggled, climbing out of bed before pulling the sheets off of her. "Ah!" Emma cried, sitting up as Arianne laughed, folding up the sheets and placing them at the foot of the bed.

Both washed up and changed, heading downstairs to see that Treville and Maeva had already made and laid out breakfast.

Baguette, butter, jam, fruit and ale - Arianne sat down with Emma, Maeva and Treville. "You didn't have to prepare anything for me. I am capable of doing it myself..."

Treville laughed. "That...I am very well aware of...after what I saw last night."

Arianne blushed and looked away. "Okay...yes..." She cleared her throat.

Maeva raised her eyebrows as she sipped her ale. "Is that what that noise was last night?" She asked as Treville nodded. "You were sword-fighting in the middle of the night?"

"Her skills are unbelievable!" Treville looked at his wife, before turning to Arianne. "I mean, I wouldn't expect anything less from the daughter of the great D'Artagnan..." Treville marvelled and Arianne beamed with pride. "But...your skills with the sword are..."

"Well..." She sighed and sipped her ale. "I lived through war...and when most men were being imprisoned or executed, women had to take up arms to defend their families and themselves..."

"As did you?" Emma asked, watching as Arianne's body tensed, something they all noticed when they discussed her time in England.

"I had to..." Arianne replied. "I had no choice. I would watch the courtiers in the palace courtyards fight and train - in England and here. It didn't take much for me to train and it was a good thing too. I had to defend myself a few times as well as others, but it was good to know I could handle a sword, a pistol and a bow and arrow should the occasion call for it."

Treville nodded as he chewed some bread. " are good, but you could do some work on your balance..."

Arianne frowned. "I beg your pardon?"

"Don't take it the wrong way...but I'll gladly help you. In these testing times, you'll never know when those skills will come in handy..."

Arianne smiled. "Thank you, Treville. All of you...thank you, for everything."

Emma, Maeva and Treville smiled at her, Emma squeezing Arianne's hand as they continued their breakfast.


As Treville left for a day at the blacksmith and Maeva headed to the apothecary to set up shop, Arianne and Emma were home alone.

Emma handed Arianne a brush. "Once a week...we clean this place top to bottom!" Emma explained as she tied her hair back. "Usually it takes me the whole day, but now that you are here, it will take less!"

"I was expecting to explore Paris today?" Arianne stated as she pulled an apron on.

"If we get this done...we can go explore then!" Emma winked at her before they began

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