Author's Note

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This work is a piece of pure fiction. Any real characters are portrayed in a fictitious manner. 


Here we go!!

I present to you all a new and improved version of 'The Three Musketeers'.

I have changed a lot to make it more reminiscent of the time period including many of the historical characters, but there are still differences which will keep the story in a 'historical fiction' genre. 

I would like to also add that the story will go through some more changes as I write, depending on whether the storyline works, but for now, it's going to be amazing. I am really happy with it! 


There might still be some mistakes present but it is the final and improved version of the story. Once I complete it all, I will review it again and correct any hidden mistakes and inconsistencies. :)

My French is also not the best but I've tried to translate things as accurately as possible. If you can correct me, do let me know. There are mentions of literature, art and other culturally relative things of the 17th century so I've tried to be as accurate as possible. Again, do correct me if I am wrong. 

Many characters have been replaced, changed or completely removed so some things might be a bit off(?) but this version is much better than the original, I promise! I've also cut the number of characters because it was getting a little confusing but I promise, this version is somewhat of a better, final version. I will not change the story anymore. 

Here are some major differences;

- The story is now set in 1652-1653. 

- Christophe became King at the age of fifteen. He is 23-24 in this book. 

- Arianne is now only a year younger than Christophe instead of three years younger. Emma and Violette are the same age (22-23) and Ethan and Joachim are 24 and 23 respectively. 

- His father was Louis XIII who died in 1643. Christophe was named King but wasn't crowned until he was eighteen i.e. when he came of age. He has been King for around five years. 

- Constance Bonacieux is now Arianne's mother and her father is Charles Batz-Castelmore, Comte D'Artagnan, the legendary musketeer. This is a nod to the original tales where D'Artagnan fell in love with Constance Bonacieux. 

- I have dropped the number of musketeers down to three - Arianne, Emma and Violette. This is mainly because I didn't want it to be too much. 

- Violette is now very different and her backstory plays a much more significant role. 

- Arianne went to England at the age of eight/nine in 1639/40. She travelled to Scotland in 1649 but was in Britannia altogether for twelve years. 

-Prince Phillipe is now Prince Gaston (who is real). In history, he was Prince Gaston, Duke of Orleans but after marrying the sister of the Duke of Lorraine, he was exiled and stripped of his titles, which were reinstated in 1643. Originally, I did take away his titles and made him the Duke of Burgundy but for this version, his titles have been reinstated. 

- Anne Marie Louise d'Orleans, Duchess of Montpensier is the daughter of Prince Gaston from his first marriage and she is a wealthy heiress in her own right. In history, she was older than the King by at least 6 years and believed to marry the King one day. In this story, she is only a few years older than Christophe but remains loyal to her father - as she did in history, despite his controversies and attempted coups against the throne, but she remained close to her royal cousins. 

- Ethan's family play a bigger role. He is now the Marquess de Liancourt's son, a powerful statesman and general who live in the North of France. Ethan does not have a good relationship with his family. 

 - Prince Jacques is in this story but does not play a major role as he did previously. He is a military man so is on the front line of the King's army - not the Red Guard of the Cardinal. He is away from Paris often and is also the Duke of Burgundy. 

- Ethan is Christophe's chamberlain who is his valet/security guard/advisor while Joachim is the equerry and is like a messenger and secretary. Both are Christophe's best friends and spend a lot of time with him. 

- No Chloe means no Joseph so he is no longer in the story either. 

- Arianne's full title is; Arianne Batz-Castelmore, Comtess D'Artagnan. 'Comtess' is literally a 'Countess'. She goes by either 'Arianne Castelmore' or 'Arianne d'Artagnan' (which literally means Arianne of Artagnan, with Artagnan being a commune in Gascony). She is also no longer a ballerina but a reader and a writer. 

If you have any questions, don't hesitate to ask!

I have also attached an in-depth character list, maps and important dates from before the novel's beginning!


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