Daisy's POV

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I know she's after Luigi. AND SHE'S BLONDE! Would Luigi turn away from me, his fiance, for that girl? How am I sure he even loves me? He only said best friends.

We didn't even kiss yet!

Yup, I'm 23 and I didn't have my first kiss yet. Not that I care... well, maybe I do, but THAT BLONDE IS GONNA RUIN ME!

Could he be meeting her for the first time, cause love at first sight, because I mean, she may no him, but he doesn't know her.

"Oh. Hello Rosalina," he said uninterested.

I grabbed his hand and muttered, "You know this girl? You've been meeting up with someone else?" He shook his head.

"She just helped Mario and I find Peach."


"Well, she kindly took us in when there was nowhere else to go."

"As in you lived with her?"

"Not necessarily but I guess so..."

I let go of his hand and sighed. If I got angry and acted the way I really felt, he could think of me as immature and run after that Rosalina. Ugh.

What's so special about blondies anyway?

Oh, just saying, Peach and Rosalina aren't just blonde. They're blode with blue eyes. 

DOUBLE the terror.

And there's me, the brunette-ish redhead.


Luigi ran his fingers through my hair and smiled. I lifted my head to show him my frustrated expression. His smile turned into a smirk.

"What? You jealous?"He taunted. Man, I didn't know he had this side to him.

"No," I replied, "I just don't like it. I mean, what if you leave me for her?"

"Oh, but Daisy you're my fiance..."

"You know something else I don't like? When people are sappy. You know that fiance thing you just did? Cut it out."

He shrugged. "Not that it matters." I playfully slapped his shoulder, but not in a flirty way, I slapped it hard. "Owwww..." he groaned. I couldn't help but laugh. When we have children, maybe they'll be that way.

Actually, scratch that.

I turned around to watch Rosalina glaring at us. And even weirder: she still looked happy.

Like, WHAT?

Now, I'm not saying she's a bad person, but that glare is pretty scary. It really is.

Luigi and I walked out casually to this fountain that was epic and sat there.

He suddenly wrapped his arms around me. Yup, for the first time, Luigi hugged me. He sighed.

"Daisy, don't get jealous," he softly spoke, "I'll never let you go."

Aw Luig all dat sap is gonna get to me... lolsies, i was feeling a little like they needed a good love scene. but dude, daisy's dumb thoughts.... ehehehe. Okay, so i asked this in my other book but are u guys ok if i do 2 stories at once or no? Just wondering. hope u enjoyed the chapter.

Oh, and sorry for not updating a lot...

So I'll try to update more often...

Okay thanks for the over 700 views on 'A Princess and A Plumber' and THANK U ALL FOR READING! Hope you enjoyed this chapter!


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