Epilogue: Narrator and Author's POV

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Many, many years ago, the Mario Bros and Princess Peach went on a visit to Sarasaland. Luigi met an un-princess-like princess, and they became friends, and with many, many awkward moments, this friendship became love. 

Then there was Rosalina, princess of the Galaxies, who was in love with Luigi, and tried a revenge plot to have him, Bowser the koopa king as her partner. He offered her a solemn swear that she will get the love of her life in the end, but little did she know that the she would, but not in the way she imagined.

After putting a spell on Peach, to make Bowser and Toadstool fall in love and turn Bowser into a human just like in The Beauty and The Beast, a fairy tale Bowser hated most, Rosalina realized that it was not only friendship she felt for him, but a lot more.

Waluigi was in love with Rosalina, but he didn't get her in the end. The silent lover didn't get the best ending, but he was glad for sure that he wasn't too close with her, otherwise his heart would be even more broken.

Ashley, Waluigi's best friend, will always be by his side, and even though her story had not much to it, it has not yet begun, and when it does, it will be magnificent. There's no need to worry about the-

Oh my goodness, Narrator, could you shut up? Let the ACTUAL author talk about what happens in the future.

So, where were we?

Ah, yes. Luigi and Daisy were an awesome couple that ruled Sarasaland in the best way possible. In fact, now Sarasaland and the Mushroom Kingdom have a better connection than just to princesses who are friends. They have a BLOOD CONNECTION!!!! YAY! 

Rosalina and Bowser are-

Let me explain the ELEGANT one, Ms. Author. 

Rosalina and Bowser are having a good time living life as 'friends', with the Lumas, Bowser Jr., and one of there own children.

THANK YOU,(hope you can sense the sarcasm) I'll explain the rest, since I actually WROTE this. Luigi and Daisy are having a great time. They have twins... still a couple years old, and they're sooooooooooo adorable! Like, if you saw them, you can't EVEN! They're so adorablesies!

That word doesn't exist. 

Sure it does! There's no better word anyway. As of Mario and Peach- cute children as well....

BUT NOT AS CUTE AS DAISY AND LUIGI'S!!! Their's are just too cute. 

To end off the wonderful story of how this all turned out, I'll continue the epilogue from here.

Fine, you have permission...

Time may have passed quickly, but love is endless. 

It all started because of what? A simple visit? Yes, but no- it was fate. They were meant to come together, cherish the moments, live a happy life. They will always be together, love each other, and never let go of-

Wait a minute, HOLD UP- what? That's way too dramatic... My story should end NICELY! After all, there's no 3rd book in this series, end it with some kinda cliche or something, not with all that sap. From the top!

When they argue, when they laugh, when they cry, when they do anything... it's always done with love. They may be different, but it's not the similarities that matter in love, but the differences. Differences let you realize what it means to be who you are.

Daisy never wanted to get married. But she did.

Luigi wanted to fit in. In the end, he really didn't.

Peach wanted a perfect life. It didn't turn out that way.

Mario wanted to always be the hero. He realized that sometimes, he can't be.

Bowser wanted to not be misunderstood. But he was misunderstood in the worst ways.

All Rosalina wanted was to get even. And no, she didn't. And that's perfectly fine with her.

It's the differences from their preference that's what make them who they are now.

The way they are now is made up of the hardships, struggles, memories and moments of their lives.

They all are glad this is the way it turned out to be.

And because of differences, struggles, problems, arguments, moments, memories, hardships, and love...

They all lived 





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