Bowser's POV

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before i start today's chapter, i just want you all to understand that today is one of the happiest moments of my life. why's that, you ask? BECAUSE I GOT 1K VIEWS ON A Princess and A Plumber AND IT MAKES ME SO HAPPY! 1K VIEWS IS NOT A LITTLE BIT FOR ME, I HAVE BEEN WAITING FOR 1K THE WHOLE TIME. IF YOU READ THE OTHER STORY, YOU KNOW THAT IN THE FIRST FEW CHAPTERS, I WAS SO HAPPY FOR 14 READS AND NOW IMAGINE HOW HAPPY I AM WITH 1K! I CAN'T BELIEVE IT AND I LOVE YOU GUYS FOR READING MY STORY! ok now let's get to the real thing. Bowser's POV, here we go!

It isn't regular to see Peach walk up to your door and hand you a cake which isn't poisoned even though you nearly killed her boyfriend and kidnapped her a million times. What the heck happened to her? 

It was 4 AM and I was sleeping soundly when there was a knock on the door and I saw it was Peach.

"Peach? What are you doing here?"

"I love you Bowser! I love you!"

I stared, dumbfounded. Did she just-

No way.

Peach can't love me. She has to be under some spell...


Would she do something like that? No. I mean, would she? I'm not too sure. I don't  know her that well, we've only been friends for a month. So I can't say whether she did some sort of spell thing because she thinks that I still want Peach...

I don't.

I've been after Peach for such a long time, so I couldn't just give up so easily, could I? I even played  an evil villain for years. But I don't want her anymore?Yes, basically. I just don't want her. I don't want to marry her, that's what I mean. I just need to be human again. That's the only chance I have left. It really is. I've been living like this for years and I can't stand it anymore. Why the heck would Rosalina try to make me in love with Peach?

Those thoughts kept whirling around my mind when Peach suddenly hugged me. 


She hugged me.

Okay, I get the fact that other guys would kill for this, but I just don't think it's right. It is completely NOT right. Like, Peach isn't supposed to like me, she's supposed to like Mario. The fat plumber can have her... I mean, it's him that she really likes. No doubt about it. I can't stand the fact that right now she's being all lovey-dovey. It's weird, I mean yeah, Peach is fine, but isn't Mario her guy? I don't think she's supposed to be like this all of a sudden.

"Um, Peach? You wait here."


  "I know but just let me do something first."


"Look, if you love me, you'll let me do what I need to."


I headed outside and I walked into the observatory. 



"Why is Peach here?"

"She is?"

"Is this your doing?"

"What do you mean?"

"As in, did you cast a spell on her or something?"

"Yes, but how did it turn out that way?"

"Hehe, you guys are replying to questions with questions!" I heard Peach explain.

I spun around. Peach was here? But....

"ROSIE!!!!! Why did you leave the mushroom kingdommmmmm?" 

She sounded all childish and it sort of bothered me because she's usually really stern and stuff. Whoosh, this spell must have turned out a little off point.

"Uh, Peach! You should go to sleep. Should I take you back home?" Rosalina replied.


Rosalina and I looked at each other, then back at Peach.

"No no no, Peach, you have to sleep at home. Everyone is going to miss you."


"Look," I said handing her a teddy bear I saw lying in the grass, "this is so I will always be there. When you hug it, my spirit pops out and then you will never miss me."

She cried a little and then accepted the toy. "Okay..." she said, "I guess I should go then. Bye bye, fiance!"

"fiance?!" I spat. 

Ew. I don't want to marry her. That's Mario's job!

I think I'm going to throw up. 

"Bowser?" Rosalina said patting my shoulder, "I'm going to undo the spell."


After Rosalina undid it, I just wanted to sleep. 

What was Rosalina up to with this plan? 

I don't like Peach, so why is she-


I walked outside and looked into the starry sky.  

"Rosalina," I whispered, "I'm never going to understand you."

okay that was um... short. sorry, im just a little overwhelmed. 1k reads guys. its 1k. I can't believe it and I just cant even......oh my goshes.

Thank you all for reading that story! 

Well, i hope you enjoyed this not exactly the most interesting chapter in the whole book. K then. BYESIES!

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