Ashley's POV

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I've never been too popular. There were always the big 5- Peach, Daisy, Pauline, Mona, and now Rosalina. Who's left? Captain Syrup, me. And Captain syrup is known to be Mona's rival, though I doubt it. I mean, who would ever fight over- never mind.  

I've recently become Waluigi's friend, knowing he needs help in getting Rosalina. And yes, I did need a friend other than Red. I mean, what kind of 16-year-old witch hangs out with a demon anyway? 

I'm really calm from the outside, but I have some fire-y feeling that every teen must feel. I get angry quite easily. 

It's weird that I'm friends with Waluigi- I'm not the kind to care, really. I'm usually alone with Red. Him and I were always very close. But he's pretty intelligent and told me that  I need a human friend too.

But it's not how we became friends that's important, it's how we met.

Both of us were technically outcasts. We didn't necessarily fit in and we both were sorta kicked out... but that isn't how we met...

It all started when I was told to walk out in the sun one day. Look, I may not be a vampire, but I do hate sunlight. I prefer to go out at night-time, instead of facing the star around which the earth orbits, the light or warmth received from the earth's sun. I just don't want to be seen and made fun of. 

Ashley, the anti-social failure of a witch. Can't make potions, can't cast spells, can't do any of that correctly. 

That's who I'm considered out there. 

So I was told to walk out in the sun so my spell could work- it was a spell to let me fit in. It said I had to go in the sun, eat ice cream with a friend, and come back.

I headed out to get some ice-cream... I don't know why specifically ice-cream, but I guess that's just how the spell goes. I've never eaten anything sweet before, and when I came, I was not sure which flavor to choose, since I never tried any. Then someone whispered in my ear that chocolate is a good one. That's the one I picked, and yes, for the first sweet I had in my life, it was good. In fact, it was very nice so I got Red some ice-cream too. 

I tried to figure out who told me to take chocolate, but everyone on the street completely ignored me. It was almost sunset when I heard someone ask me, "Well, did you like the ice-cream?"

I turned around and saw a tall man, about 7 years older than me. "I'm Waluigi, if you're wondering. Should I ask again? Okay, how was the ice-cream?"

"Good," I replied, "very good." My voice shook a little, since this is the first human I talked to in years.

"What's your name?"

"Ashley. My name is Ashley. And this is Red," I said, pointing his direction.

"Are you heading back home? It's getting dark."

"It is. But I always stay out at night."

"Me too. But why you?"

"Because I can go outside without anyone there to insult me."

"Why would anyone insult you?"

I shrugged. I kept my voice low, like I always do, and answered, "I don't really fit in here."

He sighed. "Neither do I."

"Okay, I'll be heading back now."

"Oh, okay." He stretched out his hand as I got up. "Friends?"

I briefly shook his hand awkwardly (look, I'm not used to this) and then waved goodbye.

After that, I tried out my spell.

It failed. 

Not that it mattered, really, it was only a spell to make you fit in... okay maybe it did matter. But it didn't work. At least I have a friend, though. He told me our friendship was a secret or we'll be made fun of even more because apparently, 'two outcasts as friends would mean they're double outcasts', according to Red. So yes, it's a secret.

Daisy has been helping us hunt down Rosalina. I only joined her for the reason SHE wants to hunt Rosalina down.

Waluigi wants Rosalina to notice him, Daisy wants to kill her. Sorry friend, but I have to take Daisy's side on this.

The way Waluigi looks up to the woman gives me this weird tingling feeling and I can't tell what it is, just the fact that SHE'S making me feel it.

And plus, that human heart WOULD come  in handy, I don't feel like killing Daisy.

I feel like killing Rosalina, even though I won't ever do that.

I might....

But I won't. 

After all, who'd want a murder on their hands?

hey guys, I'M BAAAAAAAAAAAAAAACK  and i know that was lame so yeah but i hope you liked the chapter. Thanks for reading!

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