Daisy's POV

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Today is the big day.


I don't know if I should be happy or cry or be disgusted because I feel like I should be all of them. I'm not sure, I feel happy. It's a triple wedding. Bowser who surprisingly is now human (I have no idea how) proposed to Rosalina and of course, they agreed to apparently live life as 'friends' (nice excuse, Rosie) but I'm more happy that Mario and Peach made up. I mean, imagine if they didn't! This whole world would be a disaster. 

"Daisy! Daaaaaaaaaisy! It's almost time for the wedding! Hurry up!"Peach shouted nervously.

I slipped on the long silver earrings that Petunia gave me for my 14th birthday and quickly rushed out. 

"Ew, Peach, this dress is so annoying. Do I have to wear it?"

I turned around a couple times to see how my dress looked from the back when Peach walked in.

She was wearing bright red lipstick and huge golden earrings, a long white dress that was very fluffy....

She looked AWESOME!!!!

"Peach you look amazing!" Rosalina squealed from behind us.

I turned around to see her. For the first time, you could see her actually smiling REAL big.

"So, Rosie," I said to her, "how's it like to get married to a friend?"

"We aren't married yet Daisy, and you aren't either!" she replied.

"Girls, calm down. You never want to ruin your Big Day!" Peach scolded.

"Alright, Ma'am. If you say so." I mumbled, rolling my eyes.

"Ladies, come this way," Toadette said walking in and beaming.

I walked up to Luigi, looking down. He can't see my made-up face. Nope.

"Will you," Toad began, "take Luigi as your husband, to have and hold you from this day on, for better or worse, richer or poorer, in sickness or health, promise to love and cherish him?"  

"I-" I stuttered, "I do!"

And then Luigi's turn, all that sap, parents crying, Peach squeals (the best kind of squeals are Peach squeals) and then, the big part:

"You may KISS THE BRIDE!!!"



Can I do this?



I can't.

Luigi also seemed quite shy about it.

Suddenly, Peach screeched behind me, "Can you two kiss already?!" She suddenly grabbed the back of my head and pushed me to Luigi, and BAM! Yup. Peach is the best... well, sometimes. If it weren't for that "Me hogging Petunia thing" she would have never done that mean stuff to me.


"Will you," Toad began again, this time to Peach, "take Mario as your husband, to have and hold you from this day on, for better or worse, richer or poorer, in sickness or health, promise to love and cherish him?"  

"YES! YESYESYES I DO I DO I DO! OH MARIO, I LOVE YOU!" Before Mario even began his part of the vows, Peach already kissed him, so yup, they skipped his part entirely.

"Will you," Toad said turning to Rosalina, "take Bowser as your husband, to have and hold you from this day on, for better or worse, richer or poorer, in sickness or health, promise to love and cherish him?"  


"MAMA ROSIE!!!!" Bowser Jr. cried in happiness along with the Lumas, who shouted, "DADDY BOOOOOOOWSHER!!!"

And then, the best part of everything.

THE CAKE!!!!!!!!!




Whew, okay, let me calm down.

MY cake was chocolate.

Peach's cake was Vanilla.

And Rosalina's? Her's was Starbit. Why is she obsessed with that stuff anyway? 

It was all awesome. Our honeymoon is going to be in the Galaxy, that even Rosalina admitted she didn't explore much.

It was all epic. I made sure Waluigi was our special guest, and he brought Ashley with him, who said she needed to see me kiss Luigi.

He looked awfully sad, which I understand. Rosalina was marrying someone else. But I quoted Peach's words of wisdom and said, "If you really love her, you'd want her to be happy, and if being with Bowser makes her happy, then leave it that way."


"Say, Wally," I taunted, "What's your ideal type?"

"Um.... I don't know... they should be shorter and younger than me for sure."

"Then look for someone that way. You just might find 'em."

I walked away with Luigi and heard Waluigi reply to me.

"Yeah, there is someone out there for me."

And I smiled.

Because I'm very sure he's right. 

And if that makes him happy, I'm happy too.

ooooh daisy, all dat sap...... whatevs. so i hope you enjoyed the chapter...... btw sorry if you all are mad about waluigi not getting with anyone, but in all honesty, 

HE IS TOO COOL FOR ALL OF 'EM!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Like i'm not even kidding he's just too cool for all the characters that exist and I...... he's too good. and anyway, now you can ship him with yourself!(if you want....) and um.....................................................................................

thank you all for like over 300 views on this story and the big bunch of votes! YALL ARE DA BEST!

OK ONLY 1MORE PART AFTER THIS. epilogue. sooooo uh, bye for now! so sorry if i dissapointed you!


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