Luigi's POV

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What the heck? 

"Daisy, I'll never let you go."

Yeah right. Half the time having Rosalina around me and Daisy not even knowing the Galaxy Girl even exists... she has every right to hate me right now! I'm struggling to believe she forgave me that easy. Daisy is tough when it comes to the idea of forgiving. I don't even know if I love her... all of a sudden I just got the news that we were engaged. I'm not brave enough to make a move on her, I STILL HAVE NO IDEA HOW I FEEL ABOUT HER! I don't usually get frustrated but, really.

Getting married to her wasn't even my idea.

We never dated. We never became a couple. We never even really talked. I don't want to burst Daisy's bubble, but I just don't know how to how to feel. Do I love her?

Or are we just friends?

I quietly walked home and rested on the couch. I am no heart breaker... so if I do anything to my fiance, I'll be with her in the end.

My thought seemed to come at perfect timing, because right that second, there was a knock on the door. It was Daisy, obviously.

"Hey Luigi, about that hug earlier, I-"

"It's okay. I hugged you, you didn't hug me. Don't worry. If it made you angry, I guess I just felt a little dizzy or something..."

"Um... I was gonna tell you, it was actually sorta nice and I came because I just wanted to give you a hug back."

"You don't have t-"

But she already hugged me.

What just happened to her?

"Look," I said, flustered by the sudden action, "if this is about Rosalina then... if its about her, I already said that-"

She let go of the hug and smirked. "Are you blushing?"

I looked down, embarrassed. How am  supposed to get married to her? It make less and less sense every time I see her.

"I-I-I think I should g-go." I mumbled, walking out.

Wow Luigi. And you'll be living with her in the future? That's funny.

I suddenly bumped into someone. "Oh," I said, uninterested, "hi Rosalina."

"Oh hi... Luigi... I have a favor to ask you."

"Really? What?"

"Break up with Daisy."



She grabbed my shoulders.

"Break up with her."

"Haha, what? Break up with Hermes? Isn't he some guy in Greek mythology? I was never with him in the first place."

Wow, impressive. That was really lame! Now you better run before she looks at you and says, "you know what I mean."

"You know what I mean." she suddenly said.

Oh no. Run Luigi, Run!

"I'm sorry Rosalina but she's my fiance. I can't just say I want to break up with her to the king and queen when they gave such a good offer to a coward like me..."

She frowned and walked off.


The next morning was great. Fresh air, nice feeling, blah blah blah. Until I heard the news.

"ROSALINA'S MISSING!" shouted Peach in the loudest voice possible.

Wait... ROSALINA'S MISSING?!?!?!?!?!?!?

Hey guys! Haven't updated in a while. If you didn't know, as of now, my other never meant to be book 'Never Meant to Be' is over as of now cuz i just dont feel like updating it.... soooooo hope u like the chapter and for the over 800 views on my first story........



ok hope u liked and enjoyed and uh... see ya!! Love u all!


imma be uploading two books after this one is finished so uhhhhhhhhhhh byesies

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