His Worst Nightmare

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Estel lay beside his wife, staring blankly at the ceiling. It had been two weeks since Arwen had told him about their child. Of course he was nervous. Arwen's father, Lord Elrond, was not a reasonable man when matters came to his daughter. He had said that if Estel even attempted to see Arwen again, consequences would be dire. What would Elrond do when he found out Arwen was with Estel's child? All of these thoughts plagued him and he had hardly slept, Arwen would give birth any day now. It had been exactly a year since the night of conception and, unlike humans, elves had 12-month-long pregnancy terms. The sun was dawning in the east, yet Arwen was still sleeping.

Estel got up cautiously, as to not wake his slumbering wife, and got dressed quietly, making it a point to dress away from the window. He could not afford to be spotted, for the guards were constantly on watch for him. He wondered how he was ever going to get by staying cooped up inside all day again. Despite being a grown man, Estel could not tolerate being in one room or standing still for too long.

Behind him, Estel heard Arwen stir. "Mmm. Good morning, my love," she murmured groggily, the morning carrying in her voice.

"Morning," Estel replied and turned around to kiss his wife's brow.

Arwen settled down into her bed, readjusting herself and her pregnant belly for utmost comfort.

"How do you stand staying in here? I have been here for merely two weeks and you have been cooped up for some eleven months."

Arwen, in a moment of realization, suddenly furrowed her brow. "By the Valar, I think it's time."


"Estel, I think the baby is coming. You must get my midwife!"

"Me? I cannot go out there, your father's guards would be on me in a second!" Estel retorted, feeling panicked.

"Aragorn!" breathed Arwen, hands on her stomach. "I am having this baby and I am having it now! So go!"

"The child? The child is coming today?"

"Aragorn!" Arwen yelled, at which point Estel left the room.

Behind him, he heard his spouse add, "Tell them to get Bellwen! I trust Bellwen."

As he stepped into the corridor, Estel found himself looking both ways. Arwen had told him where the midwives' and nurse maids' quarters were before but in this moment of exhilaration, he could not seem to recall. He found that he was all turned about and utterly lost in the situation.

Catching the eye of an old scribe master, Merion Feldur, that used to teach him Second Age history, Estel ran up to him. The old man used to strike Estel's knuckles bloody. "Master Feldur! Master Feldur, I am so pleased that it is you I have run into!"

Merion blinked in surprise, trying to take in the young lad. "Estel. Is that you?"

"Yes, yes! But listen, where are the midwives' quarters located?"

"Well now, why would you need to know that?" Master Feldur adjusted his spectacles dubiously.

"Look, it is Arwen. She has gone into labor."

Behind Estel, screams of agony sounded from her chambers.

"I need to know!"

"Ho hum. Mmm. Uh," stumbled Merion before finally recollecting his thoughts. "Down that hallway, take a left, opposite the hospital chamber are the midwives' public rooms."

"Thank you, Master Feldur!" Estel exclaimed happily, clapping his old mentor on the shoulder.

As Estel jogged down the corridor, all he was thinking of was how convenient it was for Arwen's quarters to be so close to the hospital wing.

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