An Account of the Fellowship in Times of Normalities

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It had been fourteen days since Legolas and Lessien had had their earth-shaking argument.

Legolas discovered that Lessien's large amount of patience was all used in her skill of weaponry and nothing else and so therefore no proper apology could be given.

Many members in the company were annoyed with the pair, thinking that the rash brawls like the one they had had were absolutely unacceptable and a huge distraction. Sometimes there was talk of leaving the two behind but that idea was always overruled in the end by the fact that both Lessien and Legolas were phenomenal warriors.

Traveling was much easier for Lessien than most had anticipated, except for Aragorn and Gandalf who seemed to be very aware of her skill

The group was astonished sometimes but at least, Lessien thought, this was some way to prove her worth to those who doubted her. 

Some of the men, a primary example being the dwarf Gimli, grew rather annoyed. "Dwarves have a quite different build! I could beat you in a twenty five yard sprint any day!" 

Lessien always just scrutinized Gimli with a little look that was almost impossible to read and then continued on in a smooth steady pace. Often times, despite her potential, she was found at the back of the group with the jolly hobbits: Sam, Pippin, and Merry, but most often Sam, who was rather quiet compared to the rest of the group.

"My dear hobbit, are you sure you cannot go any faster than a walking pace?" Lessien teased one day.

"Me? Well, no, though my old Gaffer would be disappointed to hear it. A righ' smack across the 'ead he'd give me and he'd say 'Oh, you foolish ol' Sam! The front o' the group y'should always be! No matter the circumstances!'" he exclaimed, clearly doing his best impression of his father.

"Ah, well, your Gaffer sounds like he must be a wise, old, and very encouraging hobbit," Lessien remarked.

"Not 'im. He's always been rough, he 'as. Oh, but me old Gaffer, he's good at heart, and means well," Sam added, and in reply, Lessien just smiled.


It had been an unbearably obvious annoyance between Lessien and Legolas with almost no words exchanged for a handful of days now. Neither one could put aside their pride to resolve the issue. 

This only aggravated the others further and proved their point about how foolish their falling out had been. They did not need more stress than they already had traveling in open terrain. But the stubborness of both remained irreparable.

At the very least, Lessien was now able to stay away from any mixed thoughts she had about Legolas. Before, she wondered if there was a little affection for him in her heart, way deep down inside of her that was covered up by her pride and hurt. Sometimes, she would imagine a relationship between them sparking up again. Often, when these feelings came up, she decided that actually that was too complex for it to really be the case and that there was nothing in her remaining for Legolas. 

One night, Aragorn sat beside his daughter as they ate their supper in the dim light of the moon. "You want to hear what I have to say about this whole affair between you and Legolas?"

"I actually don't," Lessien remarked, suddenly seeming very interested at staring at the flames of the nightly fire. 

"Well, good thing I'm your father and don't have to ask for permission of what I say to you. You don't even have to reply but I want you to know that what has been going on between you and Legolas has unfortunately proved the point that everyone was already thinking about you before: that you are an emotional woman who should not be on this trip."

Lessien looked at her father, gawking in hurt and surprise. 

"Listen, that is not what I think. Not in the slightest. I just do not wish to put you in any danger and this quest is very dangerous to the point I'm not sure if I can protect myself, much less protect you. But they are sitting here day after day only seeing you as a woman, not a warrior."

"But what about Legolas?"

Aragorn gave his daughter a look.

They both knew how the world went round with the difference between sexes ever so prominent.

"I know you don't want to, but apologize to him, even if you don't mean it."

The next day, an apology from Lessien was mustered up and exchanged with Legolas, just loud enough for most of the company to hear.


Gandalf was very merry on the progress the Fellowship made, leaving them only ten days from the Redhorn Pass and everyone's heart was lifted, even Samwise who seemed depressed.

 Meanwhile, Lessien had socialized and was rather good friends with all, in particular Gandalf, who seemed to be the only one besides Samwise and Gimli who truly respected her at this point.

The resent between Lessien and Legolas was a little less obvious.

Gandalf said to her one blazing afternoon, "Young lady you must know how much I really respect you, even admire you, for coming on such a dangerous quest! Being a woman and all, not that it changes anything, but it is out of the ordinary-"

Lessien was not sure whether or not to take that as a compliment, so just nodded instead.

Meanwhile, close friendships were formed in between Aragorn and Boromir and between Gimli and Legolas, while the hobbits were among themselves.

Soon the Fellowship sunk into a comfortable schedule and a very, very mild love was formed in between all, and was stronger in between some than others. 

A large family, Lessien thought to herself and she was very happy with it all.

Except for Legolas.

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