"Death Will Befall Another..."

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The Fellowship rowed on, left undisturbed by the orc arrows that had previously threatened them.

Lessien desperately wanted to tell her father that this is what she had dreamt but her pride got in the way of that. He had said only wise and powerful elves could prophecy such things.

Now, she only could ponder what else she had dreamt. Who else would die? Who was going to fall? How many more?

Gandalf said another member of the Fellowship was doomed in her visions, if you could call them that.

It was mid-afternoon when they stopped to rest. Instantly, they fell into their usual schedule, hastening to make fire and food.

Frodo disappeared into the woods, Sam wanting to follow him, but his master refused him.

Lessien sat on a fallen log some ways off from the others, hands clasped between her knees.

It was soon when Legolas sat beside her and asked, "What is going on?"

Lessien glanced at Legolas and replied, "I don't know what you mean."

"You do though," he answered angrily.

Lessien glanced over and saw the hobbits, Gimli, and Aragorn staring at them like they were some sort of show. Her father glanced down and kept working on the fire, embarrassed that she had caught him eavesdropping.

The trees were like great pillars of men now, rising much higher and much thicker than they had at the beginning of their sail down the river. The sky no longer peeked its blue face at them. Only the rustling of leaves like whispers in the trees, the muted thrum of waves at their feet, and the icy, delicate fingertips of the wind brushing against their skin kept them company.

As the wind kissed her cheeks, Lessien continued their conversation in her same tone, calm and steady.

"How can you do this?" interrogated Legolas.

"What in Middle Earth are you on about?"

"This whole journey something has been between us. Granted, it has gone unaddressed, but do the little talks we have and the numberless looks mean nothing to you? You are aware of what is going on. The romance we had back those many years ago aren't dead like you try to convince yourself."

Lessien looked at him, completely confused by his outburst. She then looked away from him, afraid of what his eyes would say, and asked, "Why do you bring this up all now?"

"Because this has been torturous to me. I find myself resenting you from time to time, when I have the moments where I cease to admire you. You live in my head. I replay the kiss we shared so long ago and the conversations we had. And here you are, acting as though it doesn't matter. I can tell, though, that you just replace any feelings you possibly could have for me with contempt that you conjure in your mind."

"Legolas, please. This quest is no time for-"

"And that. That right there. That doesn't make any sense. We need no title for what we are, but if you could just stop for one second and show me your heart instead of your pride it would be better for the both of us. The way we are right now is a distraction from the quest in itself. It could be eliminated if you just told me what you feel."

Now, the two looked into each other's eyes.

Lessien felt her heart pounding in her chest, at a loss for what to say.

"Please, Lessien. Please. Don't go on without saying anything, as you always do. Help me ease my madness. Don't tell me it's all in my head. I don't know if I could bear it."

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