Through the Redhorn Pass

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One fateful day, the Fellowship came upon a rocky hill and it was quite lovely.

"Gandalf, we stop here to rest and admire the beauty," Boromir insisted.

Everyone, even Aragorn, came to terms of agreement to do so. With that, the group disbanded into pairs and threesomes, and even into independence.

Gandalf sat on one of the highest rocks smoking on a pipe.

"Ghastly!" Lessien muttered to herself

Pippin, Merry, Aragorn, and Boromir practiced sword fighting therefore playful laughs filled the air.

Frodo and Sam looked at them, Sam shaking his head in shame but Gimli was happy and cheering them on, sitting near Gandalf.

Meanwhile, Lessien and Legolas went their separate ways from the group, only stealing glances from each other.

The anger was dissipating and slowly turning into something much different that neither would bring up.

It was a good opportunity for Lessien to half address the little leather book that had been bestowed to her.

Meaning she would definitely not be reading through it but instead repurposing it for her own uses.

Now, countless drawings decorated the pages.

A detailed picture of a tree and a sketch of leaf that fell from it that she dreamed of. A beautiful flower bud with the petals drifting down from it. And lastly a sketch of Samwise. It was all very detailed and very sweet.

Lessien had a knack for drawing and sketching. She always had but she liked to keep the talent quiet. That was a hobby ladies often took to and she did not want to find herself fitting in with them.

It was all the more reason for her colleagues to judge her.

As Legolas skipped from rock to rock out of utter boredom, he came within six feet of her and his sharp eyes caught glimpses of the sketches.
A small smile crept across his face despite himself.

Lessien noticed his closeness and looked up at him, finding herself glaring. Although the annoyance was still there, whenever her privacy was violated, especially by him, she would find herself on edge.

Legolas held his breath before saying, "I didn't mean to look but your drawings are rather good."

Lessien weighed what she should say in her head and then replied, "Thank you."

With that he started to move away but not before she could call out his name.



"I really am sorry."

That was more genuine than the apology she had offered him a few days before.

"So am I."

Maybe their unavoidable affection for each other had a way of defeating both of their pride sooner or later.

Lessien looked away and then took out her journal. The pictures all symbolized some worry on her mind, or in fact, they just were there to enjoy.

She began sketching out the sky in front of her, looking up every now and then.

Legolas couldn't help but gaze at her a little bit, trying desperately to hold on to the anger that had been in the forefront of his mind before.

A sort of loud commotion disturbed both of their concentration.

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