A First Meeting

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Eve awoke and then groggily examined her wounds. Her bruises remained present and the stab wound was still fleshy and deep. She was well-rested and her exhaustion had seemed to have vanished. How long was I asleep? she thought to herself.

Then, Eve noticed the orangey light of dawn shine through the crudely-made window pane. Eager to go outside, she re-bandaged her wounds and thanked the gods she had survived them. Though they were not fully healed, the severity of the pain had at least seemed to calm down.

Eve's mind seemed to wander as she looked around the room. Everything stood as it had when she had slipped into sleep. All except her father who slept by her bed, hunched over in a chair. And then her grey eyes fell on a young elf with long blond hair sitting on the floor, leaned up against the wall.

He is quite handsome. Her thought trailed off as she looked at him. Who was this elf? Why was he here? She must be asking the right questions and not let the stranger become a distraction.

Eve decided to ignore the newcomer and went to get some fresh air, thinking it would do her some good. She noticed a folded stack of clothing on the foot of her bed.

There was the groggy memory in the back of her mind of Strider speaking to some old merchant and the exchange of coins.

Eve smiled, her fingers getting familiar with the fabric before she changed. It was simply a tunic and leggings and they were a little large. She was far too scrawny. She didn't mind it though. New clothes were new clothes. And it wasn't a dress, thank the Valar.

Immediately after changing, Eve went to the door and unlatched the lock on it. 

Outside, the sky burned orange from the rising sun while birds chirped merrily. The green of the forest was vibrant and refreshing after her desert trek. It was cool outside and Eve wrapped her arms around herself. Though the cold was uncomfortable, the crispness woke her out of her groggy state.

Besides, nothing could stop Eve from exploring around her new home. She had a feeling that she would be here for quite a while and decided it would be a good idea to get familiar with the area.

Left to her thoughts, many questions popped into Eve's mind. Some were concerning Strider, some concerning Gwyndolyn, and some concerning that handsome elf back in the cabin. But the question that was most prominent in her mind was a general inquiry.

Why am I so weak?

It was a questions she asked herself over and over again since the attack. Strider will never let me train by his side. This was an incessant worry that clouded everything out. Eve's mentation was going in this self-deprecating circle as she made her way into the forest until she heard something.


The sound was not loud or distinct. It was quite the opposite, quiet and distant. No average human would ever hear it but Eve's ears picked up the small sound with ease. She resisted tensing up, knowing her stalker would notice it and quickly attack.

Eve slowed her walking and listened intently to the footsteps. In front of her there was a tree the width of a man's shoulders and Eve noticed this as she continued her pace, passing the tree a little ways.

Though Eve was not trained in any combat, she was clever and instinctual. Sometimes that in itself was a life saver. Following the plan she concocted in her head, Eve whirled and shoved her attacker into the tree, bracing her arm securely against his throat. She was successful in her plan but the effort to defend herself reopened her wound, and she could feel it.

She grimaced as she looked into the eyes of her attacker. It was none other than the handsome elf from the cabin. Eve's eyes widened, her jaw slackened. All she could manage was a soft, "Oh."

Then she shook her head. "What are you doing?" Her tone was accusing.

The elf put his hands up in his defense. He seemed extremely cautious. "I am not meaning any harm. I was simply wondering what you were doing. You were injured and now you are walking about. Are you all right?"

Eve looked the elf up and down, then turned and reluctantly loosened her grip. "Forgive me, you startled me is all," she explained, ignoring the question.

The elf nodded stiffly and then introduced himself. "I am Legolas Greenleaf of the Woodland Realm."

Eve, not used to such fanciful introductions, looked at Legolas confusedly. "I'm Eve," she said simply.

Legolas smirked.

Eve's eyes narrowed. "What?"

"Nothing, nothing. I swear upon the Valar."

Eve pursed her lips. She already felt a little annoyance creeping up on her, and she already knew this elf would cause her a lot of grief. Despite this, a little smile was on her lips.

But this was the first time they had laid eyes on each other and Eve had a feeling she would never forget it.

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