Gift Giving

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When the morning came, Aragorn went to sit beside his daughter.

"Galadriel and Gandalf, they have said strange things to me that make me wonder. Do you know anything I do not?"

Aragorn shook his head and looked up at the lights that danced at the very tops of the trees.

Aragorn and Lessien's relationship was not like any other daughter-father relationship. They were close to each other and yet so far. They had treated one another's wounds, been on some quests together, and had lived together for half a century, watching each other grow.

But then again, Lessien couldn't so much as tell his favorite color, and he could not say her favorite food. They never spoke of their own feelings to one another and that was because they were so alike in character.

Both left their feelings inside.

It didn't mean they couldn't comfort each other and they rarely failed to.

"Some things will turn out, but we must keep going, nonetheless."

Lessien sighed, her heart still feeling heavy and her head hurt with the burden of unanswered questions.

"They know more than me, but I believe if we keep on traveling the Ring-Bearer will make it to his destination and then everything will go back to normal."

What is normal? Lessien asked. This mission was not so simple. People would die and change.

Would Lessien go back to her solitary life and try to forget Legolas as she once had?

And what of her father? He had been reunited with Arwen and more had taken place between them than Aragorn had revealed to Lessien, she was sure of that. There seemed to be no way that they would stay separated with their love so apparent.

But, then again, Arwen would have left to the Undying Lands with the other elves by then.

These thoughts turned over in her mind when Aragorn said to her, "Galadriel wishes for your presence."

"All of our presences," Sam cut in. He looked giddy with excitement.

Lessien ruffled his hair and asked, "Are you feeling well?"

The starlight shone on the white bark of the trees, illuminating Lothlórien with its purity.

Choirs could still be heard singing with ringing voices, but the strange part about it was that no one could tell if they were hearing it out loud, in mind, or merely in heart. Everything there seemed without color, sound, or feel but instead comfort.

At this point Lessien was not quite sure she liked it.

Still, she was clean and safe from harm temporarily, so she would not complain.

"I am feeling better, much better now," Sam chirped. He lowered his voice to a whisper before adding, "Legolas heard rumor we are to receive gifts from the Lady of Light herself!"

"Oh, really? And what do you desire to receive, my dearest Samwise?" she asked in a sort of amused tone.

"Ah, well. No. It's silly and impossible. Fool, you are, Sam!" he scorned himself.

Lessien rolled her eyes. "I will hear no more of that fool nonsense. You're too hard on yourself. Besides, nothing is impossible for Galadriel, trust me."

Silently, she thought of the memories bestowed upon her the night before.

It was than that Sam whispered his hope.

"I wish that Bill could be here again."

Lessien took the comment to heart and patted her friend on the back.

Dressed finely in silks and satins and other strange fabrics, the Fellowship retraced their steps from the night before. They traveled under carved steps and beneath intricate archways shining in the everlasting moonlight.

Everyone was silent and their eyes took in as much as they dared, seeing Lothlórien their last time.

Soon, things began to get more and more familiar, and the next thing they knew, they were standing in front of the Lady of Light herself.

Everyone held their breath.

Galadriel began speaking but the sound was drowned out by the whispers she slipped into Lessien's mind.

I would like to talk to you two privately.

Instantly, Lessien turned her head and met her father's eyes with her own. They both knew who she meant. Though she was ashamed to admit it, Lessien found her thoughts elsewhere as Galadriel presented her gifts to each member.

I see you have a wandering mind, child, Galadriel commented.

Then began to speak aloud.

Somehow Lessien didn't notice everyone had left.

"What may it be that I could give you?"

"Nothing. Your hospitality was enough. Thank you, my Lady." Dipping her head a bit, Lessien turned on her heal and she would've left it at that if it hadn't been for the words that escaped the Lady of Light's lips.

"You do not seek answers, then?" she inquired.

Once again, Lessien faced Galadriel, her head cocked at an angle. "I do seek that but I'm not sure of what explanation you would offer me."

"I wish for you to be careful and realize that this journey of yours, like Frodo's, is much more than a quest to both of you. What I give to you is my caution."

Lessien gritted her teeth and just nodded. A short thank you was all she could muster.

Turning on her heal swiftly, again, Lessien made sure she would leave this time.

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