Sunsets and Bloodshed

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Despite Eve's protests, there was no shooting that afternoon. Instead there was talking about anything and everything. Eve found out that Legolas did do a handful of things to annoy her and that she still did not like him. There were too many reasons not to. Still, she could not help but wonder if Legolas liked her.

However, even after talking and walking around for hours on end, the two were not bored of one another and she doubted they ever would be. He was far too interested. 

Legolas also made more rude inquiries.

Do you even know your birth mother's name? Where does she live? What happened? Why was Strider's cabin all alone when the Rangers were a community?

Even though Eve deflected each question and got irritated, she could tell at this point that what he was saying had merit. She just would never ever admit it to him.

Instead, she would pull Strider aside and speak to him privately about it. It itched the back of her mind but she did not care too much. That's what she tried to tell herself. She didn't feel that Strider would be very talkative or willing after their small quarrel.

Should she even ask?

Legolas was becoming a companion. Even though he was slightly aggravating, so kind of like an untrained dog.

Eve had stuck to her promise of not learning any archery but she was content sitting on the mossy bed of a little brook and weaving grass together as she observed Legolas. She wanted to move but she figured she could train harder and sooner if she let her wound heal as Strider has suggested.

Legolas was quite good. Eve couldn't bring herself to give him any higher compliment than that. She could tell he had almost numberless years of experience. She wondered a bit if she could ever become as good as him but she didn't feel much connection to a bow. Perhaps that opinion would change when she was able to actually touch and use one. However, she already found her eyes falling on Strider's sword more often than not, feelning some sort of connection to the weapon.

This damn injury had ruined so much so far and on top of their argument, Eve was getting aggravated by the censorship that Strider had been exercising. She hoped that she could get answers about her past and soon.

Now, though, the sun was setting and Eve stood. "Come along, Legolas. Let's watch this falling dusk."

Legolas just stared at her.

"Well, what are you waiting for?"

"Right, right."

Eve had a feeling he had been ignoring her and had been distracted by all of the shooting he had been doing. It made her annoyed and she wouldn't admit that she had been quiet herself. He was the one with all of the annoying questions. Legolas did seem pretty preoccupied with things, like he was lost. Perhaps it was Eve's turn to pry.

Strider's cabin was nesting on top of a towering hill and there was a part that Eve remembered. It was there that no trees grew and a ledge dropped straight down to the ground below. It seemed like a chunk had been taken out of the earth and now there was an overhang.

Eve sat down there with her feet hanging over the cliff and laid back on her arms that were splayed behind her.

Legolas sat beside her, gracefully folding his legs.

Everything he did seemed to be graceful.

"Thank you," Eve began.

"For what?"

"Putting up with Strider and I. We just met, and I feel that maybe I have a grudge held against him."

"Maybe?" Legolas questioned.

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