Looking Through the Eyes of Evil

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"Tell me you did not do this thing!" cried Elladan.

He stood before his father, demanding one thing of the man he had taken so many orders from. "You owe me one thing, Father, at least. After all of the service I have done for you."

"You have not served me personally, Son, you have served your country. You have not served your father, but rather, your lord. Do not forget that," Elrond answered tensely.

"Are you implying that to you I am but a soldier, programmed to take orders from you, but also a son, who should show you affection, separately? That I am a son to you only when it is convenient?" he shot.

Elrond narrowed his eyes, a pained expression on his face. 

"Why do you change the subject anyway?" Elladan asked, getting to the point. "We want you to address the reason why you have banished Estel."

"I owe you nothing," the lord stated. 

"You cannot say that!" Elladan exclaimed. "After everything I have done for you, after everything we have all done for you, the least you owe me is an explanation!"

Elladan tended to be the speaker for the twins. That was why he was here now.

"Estel was secretive in marrying Arwen. The union was forbidden, is that not reason enough for me to send him and her child off?"

"You were not always so cruel," was Elladan's rapid reply.

The comment seemed to have struck a chord deep within Elrond's heart. "You do not know the things that I do," he said softly.

"What things?  What could possibly be so important that you would do this?"

"You could not understand," Elrond explained.

"Is it beyond my comprehension?" he asked sarcastically. Answers, I asked for answers, Elladan thought to himself. He knew he was provoking his father, by acting out, but he kept pushing his father. He wanted to see how far he could go.

"That child is dangerous!"

"To Arwen's reputation? Or to your reputation? Who are you more worried about? And, more importantly, how are you ever going to cover this up?"

"This is not about Arwen!"

"Then what is it about?" Elladan interrogated.

"Do you long to spend a week in the dungeons as your dear Estel did? I am not the villain here. You do not see through my eyes."

Elladan chuckled darkly, a bitter grimace stretching across his lips. "Oh, enlighten me then."

Elrond worked a muscle in his jaw. "Where is your brother?" he asked.

"With Arwen."

"Ah. She is awake then?"

"Not yet," Elladan replied curtly. I am losing the battle, he realized and his shoulders relaxed. It's over.

There was a moment of silence between father and son.

"What are you going to tell her?" Elladan asked, defeat in his voice. 

When Elrond did not say anything in reply, Elladan decided to say the last thing on his mind. "It does not matter. This will completely break her either way. Arwen will never forgive you for what you have done. For the things you have taken from her.

"When she awakes, that is when it will all be over for you. I will be there, with Elrohir by my side, and we will be there for her when she weeps. And you, Father, will be here, trying to figure out what you are going to do with her when she awakes. She will be raging."

Elladan turned, ready to exit his father's chambers. Before he left, he murmured, "She will be a storm."

And I will be caught in the middle of it all, Elrond concluded.

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