Old friend

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Ava and Matty were childhood friends but the older they got the more they drifted apart. She never really grew out of the whole experimental phase and was in and out of rehab more times than he could count. He eventually got clean and drowned himself into music while she got worse. They had a confrontation a few years ago and never spoke again until he bumped into her at a café. It was a gloomy night and she had just came back from attending her father's funeral. She took a seat near the window and watched as the rain poured down. Ava and her father grew apart too. She was a daddy's girl but he disapproved of her lifestyle eventually kicking her out. Matty noticed her sitting alone drowned in her own thoughts. Pale as a ghost and more broken than anything he'd ever seen-including himself. He had planned on finishing his book he was reading but decided against seeing her state. Ava doesn't know he had always been madly in love with her. He thought the tough love would make her get clean but it pushed her further away. He wondered if he still loved her. The whole town knew about her father. It was no secret that the cancer ate him. He fought a long, hard battle but the time finally came and he died in his sleep.

"Hello, Ava. How are you holding up?" He somberly asked and took a seat next to her.


"Don't what, love?"

"Don't speak to me after what you said. You hurt me, Matty. I'll never forgive you."

"Come on, Ava, you were in bad shape and I was trying to help."

"Help? That was your definition of help? You are nothing more to me than an old friend."

Ava got up and tried to leave but he grabbed her wrist and she looked into his eyes. She tried so hard to fight him away but those eyes made her melt.

"Stay, please. I want to talk to you. I've missed you, Ava."

"I missed you too, Matty."

She cried into his shoulder and those walls she tried building collapsed faster than they started.

"Shhhh. Ava, I'm here now. I'm not going anywhere again. I'm sorry. I'm sorry about everything. I'm sorry that your dad's dead. I'm sorry that I wasn't there for you. I'm sorry."

They cried into each other's arms letting it all out and in the open. Matty could tell she wasn't using anything but the cuts on her wrist showed that she was harming herself again. He gently rubbed the areas very tenderly.

"Don't--- don't fucking do that Ava I can't lose you. Let's go back to my flat and talk."

Their tears eventually stopped and they made their way to the car and to his place. She sat on the foreign yet so familiar couch as he brought her tea. He sat next to her studying her face. He always loved the way her blonde curls covered her face and was all over the place yet tamed in her own beautiful way. Her hazel eyes always saw right through him and her lips so plump, so soft. He always zoned out and stared at her in awe of her beauty.

"I stopped Matty. Before he got worse I stopped. It was too late. He never forgave me."

She cried soft, steady tears.

"I always hoped you would mend things with him. Ava, I didn't mean to do what I did. I just couldn't stand seeing you in that state. I wanted to make you better; I wanted to fix you."

"Matty, I didn't want a savior I wanted a friend. I wanted someone that was there for me. You knew what it was like."

He thought about all the tears, rehab centers, relapses, friends lost and broken relationships that came with it all. He never thought things would end the way they did.

"I'm sorry about everything but I intend to make things better. I'm here for you."

He held her tightly in his arms inhaling her scent. He always loved the way her perfume smelled. So soft yet bold just like her. They both cried until they couldn't cry anymore and then looked at each other and erupted into laughter to lighten things up. It was crazy how years of not speaking just ended at a full force.

They chatted about movies, his band, his friends, her friends and how they were doing when things started to change.

He held her hand and looked into her eyes unable to read her like he use to.

"Ava, what can I do to make you better?"

She brushed his cheek and moved a piece of hair and kissed him deeply holding his fragile body tightly.

"Fuck me, old friend."

It caught him off guard so he chuckled nervously.

"Excuse me? Are you serious Ava?"

"I haven't felt the love or touch of anyone in so long. I lost everyone but now.. I have you again."

"Ava. We shouldn't.."

She held him closer making out with him. At first his body was stiff.

"Hold on a minute, love."

He scrambled to the kitchen and hurriedly drank out of his bottle of wine hoping it would loosen him up. He didn't really want to but she was so vulnerable he didn't want to break her again and as he sat down he could feel the alcohol taking effect. It was all a haze. He sat next to her again.

She kissed his lips again savoring the taste of the red wine and shoved in her tongue making it clear who was dominate. Their hands explored each other's bodies much like when they were teenagers just fooling around. Only then it was just innocent fun-what is it now? He didn't have time to think about it because his head was fuzzy and his pants around his ankles. He could barely process what was going on but something about it felt right. Soon enough she was on her knees.

"I love you" He murmured but she was so gone she couldn't hear or at least that's what he told himself.

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