//Don't You Mind//

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Matty looked out the plane window eager and scared. It was their return to Boston. The same place where he had his breakdown. Being there absolutely terrified him.
"Hey babe. Wanna switch seats?" George asked gently pecking his cheek.
"N-n-n-no I'm fine. Than you." He replied nervously loosing his cool which he rarely did.
George wrapped his arms around him as they made out gently.
"Anything I could do to take your mind off things?"
"Mmm. I could think of a thing or two."
"Babe. I didn't mean sexual. I just---."
"Oh." Matty embarrassed went back to starring out the window shaking in fear. If joining the mile high club means calming him down so be it.
"Bathroom now. Follow me." George said aggressively peeking over at Adam and Ross fast asleep.
The pair made their way to the bathroom and as soon as the door shut Matty had George against a wall.
"I love your taste."
"And I love you." George replied thinking about their past. It's remarkable how much Matty has changed both mentally and physically. He remembered when they first met. His hair with chunky highlights like a long lost and very young boy band member. He also remembered that emo phase of his and that god awful trench coat. George loved his currently look--the way his skinny jeans caressed his body, that beautiful curly hair and it never ceased to amaze him. Matty looked at George too thinking of how much he's changed. How he use to be the tall one until they got older. All the random bars he'd drag George into--how he lost his virginity to his first love Sarah which cheated on him and he had held him all night long. It ushered in his pain but George was there for every drunk call or bar fight. He was so in love with him. They were both so madly in love. The pair celebrated their passion on the bathroom floor which was cold and uninviting. After they both cried in ecstasy their bodies collapsed as Matty fell into George's arms.
"After the concert. We're getting into a hotel room and making real love. All night long." George said running his fingers through Matty's hair to relax him.
"I'd like that..."
"Maybe watch True Romance or Frozen...have a nice hot shower."
"Now you're really talking baby."
They got up after a while and got dressed to finally get back.
Ross and Adam still fast asleep in their seats the pair giggled at the oblivion. They went to their seats and sure enough sleep peacefully made its way into their body.

It was half an hour before the concert. Their moans could be heard from outside the closet. They weren't fooling around just making out and teasing for later. Eventually they stopped before tearing each other's pants off.
"Let's go before later is ruined, yeah?" George said breathlessly tearing himself off Matty. The concert that night was electric. A break was just what they needed. The arena roared and the newly released songs echoing through the crowd. It was insane. Matty was beaming at George the whole time as Adam and Ross smiled to themselves happy. After the concert George shoved Matty against a wall leaving a rough kiss on the lips.
"You fucking did it babe. I'm so proud of you."
"I love you, George. Let's get back to the room. Please?"
"Of course. I love you too."
They made it to the room after signing autographs and getting through the crowd. It felt like weeks but it was just an hour. Their lips met as soon as the door closed. Grabbing fists full of each other's hair as groans escaped their mouths. George knew Matty needed to be loved tonight so he made things perfect for him. A bottle of his favorite wine was waiting in the mini fridge and the lights were dim with the moonlight acting as their main source of light. It was so beautiful. They made love in the bed with a love song playing in the background. It felt like it was a movie. This was too perfect. Afterwards they smoked, drank wine and fell asleep. The pair didn't realize the ending that was soon coming.

Matty and George awoke to an alarm buzzing on George's phone.
"Mmm. Turn it off. Babe. Get back in bed." Matty pouted as George walked to the shower.
"Can't. Interview with a drummer magazine."
"Need me to tag along?"
"No baby sleep in. You need rest. Especially after last night." George giggled as Matty blushed.
"Okay babe. Thank you. I'll text when I wake up. Maybe we can grab a bite or shop."
"Sounds lovely Matthew." George went back to give Matty a quick kiss.
"Love you George."
"Love you too."
Matty fell back asleep as George showered and departed. He wanted to get this over with to return to his lover.

Matty awoke sobbing and in a terrible sweat. He dreamt George left. And Adam and Ross and he had nothing. Nothing but a sad reminder of the band he loved and stood for. They abandoned him. He felt so alone and scared. Everything that he worked hard for was just gone. No one. He tried phoning everyone but no one answered. In his mind he felt the dream was a reality. He grabbed drugs hidden in his bag and got fucked up to numb the pain. In his high state of mind he visited the hotel bar and flirted with a woman. She was fit and willing. She was there. She was his new love. Things progressed from a flirty banter to full on making out. Eventually going up to the room and letting things get carried away. They got down to business upon arriving with him pounding the woman into the headboard. Both moaning and groaning with a loud banging filling the room. At that moment George bursts through noticing the drugs lying around and Matty on someone that wasn't him.
"You've come back? I thought you were a goner just like them. Just like everyone else in my life. No one...loves me...." He said losing vision and hearing loud screams. Was it George? Or was it her? Or both?

Matty woke up to a stern look on George's face with Adam and Ross hovering over him on a bed. It was only 30 minutes but it seemed forever. George noticed his eyes opening up and smirked.
"George? What happened...."
"It's over Matthew." George announced walking away from him.
"Why? Is this real? Are you serious?"
"I just can't do this." He stormed out of the room as Adam and Ross explained the gravity of the situation. It stunned him that it went that far. He knew the relationship couldn't be salvaged. In front of the cameras they were best friends but behind closed doors they were strangers. And then the unthinkable happened. As soon as the tour went to a halt they went home, celebrated and relaxed. Matty sensed the tension in the air every morning. The coffee and meals stopped. The kisses and singing stopped. George was never home but he could feel his ghost. It haunted him. He would spend all day crying and drinking. For a week George never came home until tne morning he work up and discovered George's stuff was gone. He searched the rooms looking for that man he loved and found nothing. Suddenly he became frantic running around trying to find George but he wasn't there.
"George! George! George?!" He cried out in pain wanting him to just pop out already with that stupid grin. The flat was silent until George came through the front door.
"Sorry. Can you hand me that bag over there?" He asked pointing to a trash bag oblivious to the tears on Matty's face. It was hard to ignore but he did it to himself. George felt betrayed, empty and so hurt. This was the worst thing he had ever experienced in his whole life. Worse than his first love breaking his heart. Worse than losing his virginity to that girl that wasn't worth it. It was those things multiplied all at once. He hated that despite it all he still loved that curly headed heart breaker inches away from him. Matty didn't hear George until he repeated it again and did as asked.
"Stop yelling. I'm right here. What is it?"
"What are you doing?"
"I'm leaving you. You can fuck whoever you want and fuck yourself up as much as you please. It's not my problem any more. And no. I'm not leaving the band. Just this fucked up excuse of a relationship or whatever we call it. No more." Matty sobbed at these harsh words. It hurt like hell if he believed in one.
"Don't. Please don't leave me. I love you. I'll do whatever you ask of me. Please. Just give me a chance to explain and change. Please. I can do better. I can make it right." He trembled holding his friends hand until he shook him off and that frail body fell to the ground. George turned his back and walked right out the door closing it gently ready to face the world like he never met him. Matty sobbed and was choking out the 3 words George didn't want to hear.

Haunt//Bed (A Matty Healy Fan Fic)Where stories live. Discover now