//I Love You//

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A few days later Matty was discharged. Matty and George went home hand in hand. George opened the door and shut it behind him. He leaned down to kiss Matty who was left in a trance as George abruptly pushed away.
"So. What does this mean? Matty, what are we?"
"George you know I hate labels."
"Matty, I am so in love with you. I really. Honestly am. But I don't want to be one of those random flavors of the week to you. I want something deeper."
Matty looked shocked. He was hurt that George could even question it.
"I don't want a label on it because we know. Deep down in our hearts..."
He leaned in rubbing where his heart is and gently stroked his cheek looking deeply into his eyes.
"Deep....down... George we know what this is. We always have. Don't question. Don't deny. Just shut up. Let me kiss you. Let me love you..."
George grinned at the heartfelt statement and leaned in to the kiss then carried Matty to the room.
"What are we waiting for?"
George threw Matty on the bed. They made love for the first time. It was gentle and passionate. Like loosing your virginity to someone you were with for years. Matty woke up the next morning glowing and grinning ear to ear but discovered George wasn't on his side. He immediately got up to try to find him. Then suddenly the smell of pancakes and eggs filled the air as he walked to the kitchen. A smiling George was singing along to Blink 182 and in complete oblivion that Matty was watching. It was the most adorable and domesticated he had ever seen George. Eventually he let out a hearty laugh. It was just too cute. George shreiked and turned around to find a sleepy Matty rubbing his eyes.
"Morning love. I-I'm making breakfast."
Matty leaned up and kissed him.
"Thank you sweetheart."
"Go back in the room. You are in recovery and need rest. Let me take care of you."
George kissed him making him blush.
"Okay. But since you asked so nicely."
Matty laid in bed smiling and turned on the tv. It amazed him how something so terrible can bring so much good into his life. Ava's death inspired him musically. His near death experience inspired love to finally be recognized. She would be so proud of him. She and George never liked each other but he knew that Ava would be glad to see he was happy. For once the thought of her wasn't accompanied by sadness but bittersweetness. His love for her made him able to see what true love was and George was obviously it. Matty found some random Reese Witherspoon chick flick that was so cheesy he had to watch, Sweet Home Alabama. It was some weird chick marathon but movies like that always got his attention. He loved the idea of romance being so simple yet so hard to just admit. For once he can turn his brain off and just feel. George walked in trying to balance 2 trays of food. He sat Matty's tray down in front of him with a kiss and sat next to him. They dug into their food quickly. George scanned the tv and giggled at Matty's choice.
"Sweet Home Alabama? You know this is my mums favorite. God Matty am I shacking up with a 40 year old divorcee or my hot friend?"
Matty blushed and they looked into each others eyes. They swallowed their food and went in for a passionate, breath taking kiss. Matty gasped for air.
"Holy shit." Matty said barely able to make it come out. George nodded as he reached for the buttons on his pants.
"Fuck the food. Fuck me instead."
George laughed and they both shoved their food aside as they hungrily attacked each other.
After their morning session Ross and Adam stopped by with a somber look on their faces. They had news that would change everything.

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